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Small river bassing


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Headed out this morning with Andrew,Luke and Shane to a waterway that was not very welcoming, well not to start with. Bass came on the chew later in the morning thank goodness as I did not want to see all those bare butts at the launch site.

I would like to thank Andrew gloomy samari for letting me trial his turbo finned mirage, I know now that is what I need. Fixed a few other things on the hobie as well, I'll get it working to suit me yet. Rest of the clan can add a few pics later.






Rest were to small for a pic

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I have written an article on beetlespins and I am waiting for the return of the articles section so that I can submit it. Article deals with different weight beetlespins and where to use them.

I was going well in the Hobie yesterday for first 3 hours, I put a neck cushion behind my back to prop me up in the seat a bit, then the spot where the 2 plugs under your backside attache to the yak realy started to dig into my delicate bottom, so I lowered the neck cushion a bit more. I will cut out a bit of high density foam rubber and place it over this area for next time to see if that works.


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