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NPD = out of bait again!


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First I found this bloke does remember where NPD is, must of worn out his kayak over at Kurwongbah ......


Left Dennis and Luke to go and do my shrimp pots and head down to the bottom of the dam where I new the wind would not be an issue and where Ray, Ken and I had got a few fish on saturday.

All up took 90 minutes from home to to get to the fishing spot, got all the lines out, checked the sounder, checked the wind direction, not quite where I want to be..... let out another 4 or 5 metres of anchor rope, depth looking good......

Holey shamoley it was on like donkey kong. All 6 rods go down at once.

And it didn't stop. Just put 3 lines out after dealing with the firs lot of fish, within a minute all of those go off at once, then went back to single rod fishing, fish hitting the bait on the drop..

30 minutes later Im out of bait and facing 90 minutes to get home! 3 hours traveling for 30 minutes fishing, I felt ripped off!

At least I felt better after Ray rang me and told me about his morning ;)


First 30 seconds. 6th fish I released boatside. First 6 fish hookup since February., (forkies dont count)



Got this fella at the end on a gudgeon when I was desperate.


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Not at all James. Enough wind to be good on the anchor for positioning, but only light really. It was picking up as I was heading back up the dam, but it was a tail wind, so always welcome!

It is blowing like stink here now. Might have dodged the wind with the quick session I think!

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definitely an "oh crap" moment!

Was talking with Dennis and Luke about them , no sign of the forkies yet, but its getting warmer, mongrels will probabkly be in plague proportions this year. :(

I really hope not :S Would be excellent if we have already eradicated a lot of them and they disappear just like the tilapia seemed to do!


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