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Morning Landbased Bassin Wivenhoe

Joe K

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Hi Guys,

Went for a walk and cast at Wivenhoe this morning to try out last year's fishing combo Xmas present. I have not fished with an overhead reel since 1982 preferring spinning and sidecast reels. After casting for 20mins I got my first bass (41cm) and the bass started getting bigger over the next hour. After three bass I lost the next 8 fish (forkies?) to snags and snap-offs. Then I started landing fish again and ended the morning with 9 fat bass and a couple of forkies. The rod and reel performed well too. It just shows that one never forgets how to cast a fishing reel.

Cheers... Joe.






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Hi James,

I enjoy the walk, fresh air and any hits on the lure is great but landing a fish is a bonus. Haha! It was a great session but I think the fish that had me bricked were bigger than what I caught. I love using lipless cranks at Wivenhoe. My favourites are Jackall TN50s & Mask Vibs, Evergreen 3/4oz Little Max, Megabass Vibration X, Lucky Craft LV 250 to name a few. Deep diving 2-4m crank baits and suspension crank baits are also a good option. To get the lure to the fish results in many lost lures every trip out.

I've taken a close-up pic of the Abu Morrum ZX-MAG for you. Study hard and get the results then you can ask Simon to get you one :)

Cheers... Joe


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Hopefully you land some of those bigger bass next time! I would have to say that my very favourite lure for bass is the Jackall TN50 in brown dog and I have also hooked (notice how I didn't say landed :P ) toga on them. It must be an expensive trip out every time if you're losing those types of lures! Haha I think that I will have to study hard, get myself a high paying job and then buy one of those reels myself as I don't think Dad would buy me a reel that costs that much :lol:


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Hi James,

That's the beauty of bass fishing, there's always next time! The TN50 Brown Dog is a fav for the tackle shops, making them rich. Sharpened hooks and line tension are some of the secrets to landing Saratoga. Losing lures are simply a part of chasing bass as we need to get the lure to the bass hiding in structure. Haha! The Abu Morrum is not that expensive. It is a different fishing experience to the spinning reel.

Cheers... Joe.

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I think the reason I lost the toga was due to their large head shakes and jumps. It's pretty spectacular to watch though! I used to have a nice baitcaster but sadly a huge forkie (well something big anyway) slammed it down and the rod went straight over the edge. That was out in the boat at NPD fishing with shrimp over a large dead tree.


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Hi James,

Mr. Sara's acrobatics and head shakes is how he reacts when hooked. To land the fish you need to reel fast to keep the tension or he will throw the hook. Having sharp hooks will help but line tension is all important.

I tend to agree with Beau regarding your missing rod and o/head reel. I've had some unstoppables at Wivenhoe which I reckon were cod.

Cheers... Joe.

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