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Some Fishing of Late (sorry been slack)


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Sorry I have been a bit slack lately and not posted any reports of time on the water, so here's a quick catch up. 

Weekends have been pretty busy as of late so I have been trying to take the boat to work on a Friday to fish the Brisbane River Friday Night's. I did manage this a few weeks ago, the aim was to collect the live bait at the poo shoot & fish for some larger species like Jewies and threddies. Two cast's, 200 hundred herring and 30 min's of cleaning fish out of the net and scales out of the boat, was extremely painful. 

Fished along the rock wall's but only manged Bream, However all units were over 30's with the average 32cm's, so that was enough fun. 



Had a free Saturday the other week, so took advantage of the good conditions and decided to fish/ crab the passage with the wife.

Although the condition's were perfect it turned into one of those horrid days.



The Yabbie's weren't hard to get but we couldn't raise a fish all day, That and no crabs were making things worse. 

We were down at Toorbul when I went to start the motor and the starter cord had dropped down into the starter motor and jammed it up. I manged to take the pull starter off the motor and free the started cord, but the motor would crank over and had no spark. Couldn't suss it on the water, so managed to get a mate of a mate of a mate who was out on the water to tow us back to Toorbul ramp, so I could get a lift back to Spinker Sound and pick up the car & trailer. 


Fished to Caboolture river the weekend of the 14th with the father in law chasing the sharks up the creek, only managed a donut. So not much of a story or any photo's required.


Both myself and the wife had the Day off after AC/DC last week so we took the opportunity to spend a couple nights up at Inskip. I managed to tee up dropping off the boat on Friday on the way up, to get someone to have a look at the no spark issue when they get a chance. I can diagnose & fix most things, but electrical gremlins are beyond me. 

We come up here this time last year as well, the fishing then was **** and it was **** again this time. No reported catch's along the beach for other anglers. Weed was painful. The only way I managed to raise some sea life was some chopper Tailor casting slugs out into the channel at sundown. But casting 40gram slugs from a 11 foot surf rod gets tiring quickly. 

Our weekend get away set up has come along a treat, it only takes about 10 min's to set up. We got lucky where we set up as the rangers were going around getting the people set up on the beach front to move back, due to the risk of another sink hole. Yes were were smashed by that storm on the weekend.


The sink hole was quite impressive too, I didn't dare cast into it, as I prefer hook's on my line and not attached to a caravan 



I'm yet to hear back about the boat, but as soon as she's is able to be back on the water I'll be on board. 




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