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4 minutes ago, Luvit said:

Heading to the cape late afternoon with my son Luke. Have some tuna pasta for dinner, listen to some music and be ready in the morning for a big day trolling for wahoo, marlin or dolphin fish. 

Looking forward to it. 

That sounds fantastic. I hope you have a great trip. Oh Cape Moreton? I was thinking cape York for a second. Still awesome. 

Are you sleeping on the boat?

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I'm more than happy to help out you where i can Robbie. Based on the conditions etc will determine where I'll go on the day. I wanted to try in closer in 30-50m depth range however there are reports of good dolphin fish in the 250-300m. If I'm out there I won't be much help in putting you on fish.

Channel 73 if I have it on because the crap that goes on I'm not interested in. I'll be over at Moreton Island for the night so I'll usually get text messages etc send me one if you are going to be out there and I'll keep the radio on and listen out for you. When it's not a father son day you are welcome to head out with us one day.

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Awesome! Dad and I are heading that way early in the morning, with the same thought in mind. Will leave Scarborough around 5:30am, check out the spitfire beacons on the way out(apparently the spotties are there), then head out to the Cape. I will keep my UHF on 73, call-sign 'Parsons Knows'; but I get mobile reception out to about Flinders Reef, give us a bell. Hope to see you out there and get amongst them!

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3 minutes ago, ellicat said:

Have a good one.

I drove out to Texas today and there were heaps of trailer boats heading east. I think it's gonna be a busy festive season on the water if that traffic is a good guide.

U2 Brian. 

Giving the cod a work out R U?

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12 hours ago, Drop Bear said:

I spoke to a bloke at the boat ramp. He was pretty cagey with info but had some nice snapper a few small schoolies and a GT that he got from the coffee rocks at yellow patch. Worth a look if its not working wider. He was a bait fisherman as he had a huge canopy over his tinny. 

Nothing wrong with bait fisherman 

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We headed to Moreton just a couple of hours before dark Friday evening. As we approached M4 Beacon there was a boat tied up. (illegal). We had a look with the side scan and located some bait and fish.
Dropped down a slug and first retrieve we were on, much to the dis-pleasure of the boat tied up and left very soon after..  




We caught a few more on slugs and soft plastics and only keep 3 for people coming over for Christmas Lunch.


We had some tuna pasta Luke prepared earlier, then hit the pillow ready for an early morning.
4.30am we headed for Hutchies and there were already a number of boats working the area. Our target here was the Wahoo. I deployed the brand new Nomad DTX 165 minow in gold they have been pushing the merit if this lure how it can handle 11knts + without blowing out.


For once the marketing was correct, it held in and swam true. Within first 5 minutes we had 2 hits on this lure but no hook ups. We were also running a Halco shallow runner and 2 x Pakula skirts and a Gobbler SP out the back. 

We could not believe the amount of bait and fish showing on the sounder.


After nothing for a little while I headed to another area a little south and found more bait. We did our first pass with a hit on the Pakula lumo got smashed on the outrigger, unfortunately the lure went with the fish. We had found the Wahoo! Within seconds the Nomad gets hit but no hook up. This lure comes rigged with singles, which I like for safety on the boat and I also release a lot of fish that I catch. Although I think trebles are far better for hook ups I am happy to lose some fish using the singles.
We then headed back to Hutchies and Bang a hit that stuck. After a tuff tussle we got a glimpse of a GT. A Pb for me at 90 cm and heavy. The exact reason I like singles. 
We got some nice photos before swimming it and released very well after being caught in in shallow water.




I called to Parson Knows (Ty) on the radio but couldn’t raise him. By 7.am we had the GT and 4 other strikes, the Wahoo that hit the Nomad left some tooth marks but the Pakula will have to be replaced.
It was persisting down out wide and Luke snapped this cool shot of a water spout.
We waited till it eased before heading for the shelf. I had been told by a person I knew as we were launching that they had caught Blue marlin of 150kg and a Small black and a number of dolphin fish. The dollies were out 230m deep and heaps of fish out there, you will know by the all the boats out there they said. So that’s were Luke and I went, straight out to the 230m line and no boats! Dam must be further Nth or Sth, oh well no enough fuel to start looking for them. Instead we looked for the bait and the fish between the 230m and the shelf at 300m deep. We saw many dolphins who were happy to play in our wake and the bow wave. We only found 2 schools of bait and we covered the area with many figures of eights but could not raise a fish. After many hours of trolling boredom, I thought we would head in closer and when we did the temperature was better and some more life around, unfortunately still no hits. We had enough of nothing and for the last hour we hit Hutchies again. Not a boat in sight because the wind had got up and being late afternoon. (All the more fish for us). We set our spread and fairly quickly the nomad went off again and on 5kg of drag it was pulling some good line. While we clearing the decks of rods the hook pulled and Luke’s chance of a big fish looked lost. We started again and we had another hit that didn’t pull any drag.

Luke winches in a little 60cm+ kingfish that I swung into the boat. Big mistake, it went ballistic and was beyond release after its massive tantrum.


Looked like a murder scene. 

We had enough at this stage so cleaned up the mess and pulled the pin at 5pm before heading home.
Together we had a great day out and many firsts for Luke, being sharked on the mackerel, see a water spout, catching his first Kingfish and enjoying the dolphins.
Our first go at targeting Wahoo and the Wahoo won. The Dollies eluded us this time, but we will be back to settle the score.

Hope everyone enjoyed there day as much as we did.


Merry Xmas.


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Nice trip need wire if your targeting wahoo biggest set of teeth in the business luv the murder scene plenty of fish going off in close on the goldy at the moment most reefs are 5 to 20 minutes from ramp if you want to try down there give us a shout if you want some coordinates.

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57 minutes ago, Angry51 said:

Wayne, There was a add in the Townsville Bulletin Saturday for a set of

personalized number plates. ' LOVE IT ". I reckon it would

suit your boat trailer.




Might have considered it Gary if it was spelt right:lol:

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24 minutes ago, tugger said:

Nice trip need wire if your targeting wahoo biggest set of teeth in the business luv the murder scene plenty of fish going off in close on the goldy at the moment most reefs are 5 to 20 minutes from ramp if you want to try down there give us a shout if you want some coordinates.

I was hoping the skirt with the wire in between the hooks would be enough, but obviously not. 

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51 minutes ago, Luvit said:

We don’t need much to be happy. 

A trip like that would make me very happy. But you are right, it is the simple things that make us happy. I went out today to get some Christmas crabs. Only managed 4 legal sandies among about twenty girls and had a line in the water in between checking the pots. I haven’t caught a cat fish in the bay for years but caught about 20 today. Had a bit of a buster at the boat ramp on the way in and have 2 eggs on my legs that look like new knees, but I still had a great day. 

Merry Christmas to you and your family Wayne. I look forward to many more entertaining posts in 2018!

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Sorry I didn't hear you Wayne, got caught up just being out there, and probably turned the radio on a bit late. Had it on most of the day, scanned channels, but didn't hear much. We were probably an hour or two behind you anyway. 

We were at the M3 and M4 by 5:30am, along with 5 or 6 other boats. No bait, didn't even wet a line. 

Arrived out the front of the Cape just after 6, and trolled Laser Pros and purple jetheads. Nothing in close, we started to move up to Hutchies, and as @aussie123 had said, saw a small black strike not too far off the Cape, which had Dad pumped all day. 

We did nearly 60nm back and forwards between the top of Hutchies and the Cape, along with around 30 other boats for only one more strike. Found bait several times, but couldn't raise anything. Called it around 11am

Stopped at the Western rocks on the way back, more bait, but no takers on jigs and plastics. 

Moved back to the beacons, found bait on the M1 and even better shows on the M2. Deployed slugs and had several drifts past, with two other boats for nothing. Even bought out the bait jigs, but despite being able to see the yakkas, couldn't get any of them either. :no:

Saw plenty of surface action around the M2 also, that moved frequently. We casted and casted at it, chased it, along with the two other boats, but never saw what it was. Dad called it for bonito, but I don't know; never saw them, or would they take anything from us, or the other boats. 

Overall, a lot of miles for pretty much nothing. But hey! that's fishing. Never saw another boat bring a fish either, and heard a lot of chatter on the VHF about plenty of bait and not a lot of fish. 

Glad you got onto something Wayne, did better than us, and a lot of others. 

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It was a cracking day to be out never the less. There were a lot of Bonito off the cape on Thursday so your dad may have been on the money. Pity about the mackerel moving on from M4 was hoping the live information would help. 

Still more time over Christmas to try again. 

There were a few fish caught off the cape in close. Our target was Dollies and if we got a Marlin it would have been a by catch. 

We end on 240km for the day. 

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Sure was Wayne, got to be out there I say. I pulled the carbies off my motor a week before, rebuilt them, and put them back on. I was just stoked that I could do that, then have a big run offshore and have the confidence in my efforts and the motor. 

Yeah, my original plan was to work the inside of Moreton, but the weather forecast was too good not to venture offshore. If we got a fish yesterday it would've been a bonus, great day to be put there. 

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On 12/24/2017 at 5:51 PM, Tybo said:

Overall, a lot of miles for pretty much nothing. But hey! that's fishing. Never saw another boat bring a fish either, and heard a lot of chatter on the VHF about plenty of bait and not a lot of fish. 

Ty I spoke to Sam from PNG who was doing fish surveys at the Port Of Bne ramp. He said that no one was catching... if that makes you feel better. Seems we should all head down to Palmy and fish with @tugger

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6 hours ago, Drop Bear said:

Ty I spoke to Sam from PNG who was doing fish surveys at the Port Of Bne ramp. He said that no one was catching... if that makes you feel better. Seems we should all head down to Palmy and fish with @tugger

Very much looking forward to the social next month with the hopes of getting amongst them.

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Hey guys, just curious about when you say trolling in close to the cape, how close do you mean? Just getting in to trolling and I have a smaller sized boat so I want to try keep in abit closer for the first few trips out.

any help would be much appreciated.


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13 hours ago, bowds13 said:

Hey guys, just curious about when you say trolling in close to the cape, how close do you mean? Just getting in to trolling and I have a smaller sized boat so I want to try keep in abit closer for the first few trips out.

any help would be much appreciated.


I typically troll in water depth 30-50m for the small Black Marlin. It's not far from the Cape at all. You can run right up Brennan Shoals to Flinder's Reef and Hutchies as well. Just pick your days, I use to do this in a 5.3m center console. I learnt lots of trolling tips from the Peter Pakula seminars and his web site. It has tutorials and videos and stacks of articles to read. 7-8 knots to get the lures working properly. 

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