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Crystal Clear Flathead

Little Grey Men

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I haven't tossed a lure for a few weeks and after checking the weather and tides it was down to the salty brine to play for a bit. The water was crystal clear and long casts and slow presentations were used to fool the fish. I pulled the two best flathead from the same spot in the snag. If you hook a flattie put the lure straight back there because they like to hang out in little groups.

A few small flatties also fell to plastics and one OK sized bream

All fish were taken on soft plastics ever so slowly hopped along the sand.




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2 hours ago, Little Grey Men said:

That's a Holt Productions Swim Prawn mate. When I first saw them I thought they looked goofy but when you see them swim you realise how clever some lure makers are. They are awesome.

thats te second time in as many days that ive heard good things about this lure. Might have to grab a pack

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