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Brisbane River Session #26 And #27


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22 hours ago, ellicat said:

Keep at it. Another thready isn't far away.

Hey ellicat

Thanks for that, I sure hope so. 🙂 

19 hours ago, Hweebe said:

Hey @AUS-BNE-FISHO good read, have you tried going lighter on your trace or leader to entice some more bites?  With the whiting I wonder if you had pinned through the body near the dorsal fin if you would have hooked up?

Hey Hweebe

Thanks for that, well, the reason behind the very heavy trace is that the jetty at the local park has lots of pylons and snags, and is quite deep. These affect it because if I go lighter on the trace (i.e. 30lb) I am not going to have as much leverage on the fish as I may need to land them, and with the deep water, I want to kind of get the fish in quicker so they aren't going to be puffed and not swim off after the fight (not saying I don't love the great fights, just like seeing my threadies swim off if I'm not keeping them). 

I also wonder with the whiting if it was hooked through the dorsal fin or tail if I'd hooked it, I suppose doing it that way may result in higher hook up rates. In saying that, I have hooked the bait through the tail before only to have the head bitten off... LOL. 

Cheers Hamish 🙂 

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Hi everyone

I have had an eventful arvo this arvo, mainly because I got some good bait, and found a new spot! First of all, I'll start off with the cast netting, which was great. In summary, I got a few prawns, and the biggest prawn I've ever seen as well. I'll let the pictures do the talking - 


A decent haul


Ready for a fish to gobble up!


That was about 18cm! 

So, as you can see from that, I got a few prawns, and the big one was a massive surprise as it made no clicking and I only saw it in the bottom pocket last minute. 

The next exciting thing was a scouting mission. As I was walking home with my mates from school to train home, I saw a rocky, old platform which I'd always seen over the bridge. We decided to clamber down the gnarly track, and it was worth it. I know what to bring for when I go there next time, but once again, here are the pics - 



Well, that is all from today. The summary from the prawns was 18, and hopefully I will be able to give you all a decent report about this spot when/if I get out there (It's going to be a pain lugging my cart the 2.5Kms). 

Cheers Hamish 🙂 



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8 hours ago, Hweebe said:

Did you deploy any of the live prawns? Or saved for another day?

Hi Hweebe

Unfortunately since I have no rod, I didn't. 

My dad had told me I need to bring a rod down because that bait would've been "to good to resist", so I think I'll start too. May also improve my chances rapidly. I think I can ride down with a back pack and the bike, so next time I'll be giving it a try. 🙂 

Cheers Hamish

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