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Brissie Bities


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Working 7 nights a week at the moment but decided to make a quick dash after work on Sunday morning to the Brissie River to see where live bait could be caught for the classic (who needs sleep)?

Longtail Tony and I hunted around for about an hour before finding some bait sized bonies. Although it wasn't part of the plan we thought, \"What the heck\" and pinned a couple of baits onto 4/0 big reds and lobbed them out.

Landed 5 sharks in an hour then packed up and left them biting. Looks good for the classic but the tides will be different so the fish may move before then and we'll have to start all over again.

Here's the young gun with one of his fish for the morning.

[img size=483]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/IMG_6354_afo.jpg


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Yes he does so on a regular basis.

A very good teacher is responsible (that's my story anyway).

I'm surprised you haven't calculated the GPS marks for the spot from the colour of the fish, water clarity, angle of the sun, species of mangroves in the background, etc. Man you're slipping.


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