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sharking time


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Well gday

Today i got up nice and early to go down to the brisbane river to catch my first shark. i got down there and got both my rods out trying to get some nice cat fish for shark bait.

within the first 2 casts i got 2 nice small cattys (dont normaly call cattys nice:lol: )

then i put one on my 100lb wire trace and 25lb main line and weighted and weighted and weighted . then about 2 hours later i was a little bit asleep sittin in my deck chair i heard my rod run . i opened my eyes and saw my rod going mad and got dragged into the water. so without thinking i jumped in after it :( then realised that im still moving out to the middle of the river and somthing real stong was dragin me so i quickly yanked the rod and broke the line and QUICKLY swam bak to the shore.

well now i was all wet and my reel needed some attension so i walked home lookin like an real idiot fully wet and muddy :P :P :P

So i then got home and my freind took us to get lunch then we were off to the jindalee boat ramp and i had a prawn out there as soon as it got a massive hit and then a real good run (i was holding my rod this time;) )

and with a good flight reeled in a 78cm bull shark :silly: :silly:

So at the end of the day i finaly got my fist ever shark :woohoo:


Buddah [img size=435]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/ushark.jpg


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Yer thanks ellicat felt pretty deep and the mud didnt feel to good between the toes :silly:

yer tomca i reccon it would be a bit of a challange gettin one on a yak . iv just got a cheap yak and it isnt to hard to capsize it lol if ur brave enought just get it in the yak and hit it ova the head like pinky said



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The first one is always the hardest. You'll be dragging them in regularly now.

It is not unusual for the littlies in the river to pick up small baits. When we were doing stomach contents sampling we got lots of 1/0 bream hooks out of them. Must have been eating yabbies, prawns, etc, as they swam past the sunken wall, annoying the bream fishoes;)

I once got one of 85cm on the onion out of a mullet gut when we had run out of decent baits.

Also got one on a glass perch of about 4cm.

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I love these stories about jumpin in, i sounded the water past those pilons last wk and it was about 12m deep, but skiers tread water there all the time and you still got ya toes lol.

i may need some crew next wk for a 2 day offshore mission, if any of you guys want to have a shot at something other than bull sharks.

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