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quick flick

Neil Stratford

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Nice work Neil, I had the exact same idea and headed down the pin on Wednesday. Managed to get a couple of good feeds of some solid whiting. I did find the whiting a bit sensitive on the bite and wouldn't really commit to the bait. Were they the same when u were there or had they fired up a bit more for you.?

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10 hours ago, Neil Stratford said:

Dug some wriggler worms on Tuesday afternoon , it was hot , and unfortunately for me ,the beach was covered in 6 inches of weed where I wanted to dig ,forcing me  to rake it off in order to get at the worms. Ended up getting enough  worms in about half an hour for a quick fish .

Headed down to the Pin on Thursday morning and fished the run up King Tide .

The fish were there but not in numbers I like ,but the quality of the whiting was excellent so I wasn’t complaining  .Also scored a lone Grunter which was a disappointment as I thought it was going to be a huge whiting . I tried to post a couple of photos in the usual way , but they still  don’t load .





Well done Neil!

Does this mean photo uploads are working again?

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Kat , Good luck tomorrow, make sure you take the Bushman”s if your fishing early or late , the sandflies were on the bite.

Doughnuts , yes they were a  bit tentative, just not many where I was fishing.

Greg , the photo issue  isnt rectified, I tried , but it didn’t work.

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