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Current Lines


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Hey guys,

Was listerning to the news the other night. And one of the fishing presentors made reference to current lines running close to the 36's and that would be his pick for the area to be fishing.

Could anyone share some insight into what this actually means and the logic behind his comments. And are charts showing these current lines available on the net.

I think they were called current lines:blink:

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You can actually see the current lines in the water. sometimes looks like water wtih ripple merging into really smooth water. Sometimes see coral spawn in these lines.

I believe its a good place to fish cause its like a burley trail. Left overs from a feed end up in the current. And sometimes there can be a change of water temp here as well making it a good place to fish.

But i couild be wrong. Chances are there is other reasons as well.


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