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1st time squid jigging @ cleveland


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after doing some civl2330 assigment, i decided to give myself a good break so manly here i come:laugh:

in order to make myself feel not that guilty for skipping 2 lectures, i took my math2000 book and decided to do some revision on the train. everything went as planned except that when i finish the revision of flux, i realized that 1hr had passed.:huh: so manly station's like a couple of kms behind:blush: well, well, well, i had to get off at the terminal, cleveland.

i put some 8lb leader on my kix2000 and made the 1st cast with a gulp shrimp. a few twitches later, something hit the lure with unbelievable speed but i missed the hook up, only to find a long tom sitting right on the surface. :laugh: so i got it in the next cast no drama. then i hooked and dropped and landed a few of them b4 i get bored and decided to move on.

this time i let the lure sink to the bottom b4 twitches. 2nd cast i got a nice pull on the line so i strike! the fish felt heavy but slow, seconds later, a nice squid surfaced:cheer: . then it's dropped at feet. so i tied on a blue 2.5 yo-zuri oita jig and set my heart on squid jigging. 1st cast i got a nice squid in only after 1 twitch. then i just kept catching one after another.

action stopped after 3-4 squid so i started walk around. 1hr later, i spotted a school so i cast the jig and worked it right beside the school. then all the squid in the school came and look at the jig. then literally all of them smashed the jig within the same time when it's dropping slowly. :woohoo: strike! and i'm on...

i started playing with different jigging motion and found 2 types work the best. 1st one's jigging the jig very hard 3-4 times after it hit the bottom, then let it fall naturally when keeping the tension on the line. this method got me 5-6 ones then no interests anymore. then i started finesse fishing so i jig the jig very gently 2-3 times so it's darting 10-20cm off the bottom, then i let it sink and stay on the bottom for as long as 10 seconds with relaxed line before the next action. most times squid will either hit the jig at the drop or pick it up from the bottom. i got rest of my squid using this method.

so after around 3hrs of fishing, i got tired and called it a day. i got 23 squid and 4 longtoms in total and kept 4 bigger squid for dinner:P . oh and when i was waiting for the train, seeing it'll be 10mins b4 the train move, i made 1 cast just by the station and got the biggest squid of the day but it's released since i don't really have time to put it in the bag:laugh: . so 24 squid in total. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSC00605_AFO.jpg


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squiding's a lot fun until u catch too many. when the tide went up a bit, i got them nearly every 3-4 casts so i really didn't fish hard. i just cast and jig the bait then give it a rest then bang! i even tried let it rest on the bottom after getting a hit, then i could feel one squid picked it up then i let out some line, then another one came and hit it..... i had a maxi of 5 hits/pulls just sitting the jig on the bottom.

one of the trick was to find underwater structure. i'm not telling what sort but well, when u find it u'll know it. i get all the squid in 4 spots and no matter how i tried elsewhere, not a hit!

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thanks ellicat

jordan: yes i got them midday. i arrived around 1pm and got 1st 3-4 in 20mins(that's after 20mins playing with pike). then it shut down for a while until i found the underwater structure around 1hr later. i got the rest 20 min 1hr so it was awesome fishing in that 1hr as u can imagine. i went home around 4pm when they r still biting like crazy and tide's just running up.

for those who wanna know the spot, just walk around from transtation and try to find ink on the groud.

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