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demented kiwi dives on a marlin

jeff f

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ive been lucky enough to have caught a few of these magnificent fish over the past 5 years and its my belief that the fish in question (striped i think) had already been fought and was worn out. there is no way that you could jump on a green fish of around 120 kgs and give it a pat.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

they go mental when hooked !!!!!!!.... whats it gunna do when it gets grabbed on the bill like shown ???? go mental :laugh:

the guy who is in the vid is the skipper of the "ultimate lady", which is a 30 mt purpose built long range game fishing tri hull vessel, seems strange to me that he would put his reputation and life in jeopardy by doing something like this, he is very experienced in game fishing circles, he would not jump on a green fish as he knows what they are capable of. they picked there mark, and i would not be surprised if the ultimate lady was just out of the shots shown..... world first though i reckon... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

mad bugga !!!!!


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