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Snapper at Curtain


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Went to Curtain yesterday.

Came home with a heap of legals over 37cm.

Caught heaps of 35cm and 36cm but let them go.

Also caught a mac tuna on a metal slice which gladly went into the eski as bait for my next trip.

Got busted off once by a freight train which unfortunately had to take the floating pilly that was on my high speed spinning steup.

My other 3 jigging setups were temporarily getting re rigged, so i used my Palaegics combo to try and pick up a big Trevally that i saw in our burley trail.

All of a sudden it went screaming so i locked the drag up a tad more (really pushing the 30lb braid), and after what seemed the longest run ever.... snap.

I would have had a good chance at stopping it with one of my overhead jig combos as they are loaded with 50lb Daiwa Accu Depth Braid and are set with heaps harder drag.

Anyway, largest catches of the day were Snapper at 68cm, 63cm and 47cm.

The Mac Tuna was good fun too.

I was supposed to go back out again today but i feel a bit worse for wear and dropping my mobile phone over the side of the boat yesterday leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I'll have pics maybe Sunday or Monday night

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wow, m8, gr8 effort!

dont wanan sound liek too much of a douche but ive never even heard of this curtains place, where abouts is it?

happy fishing...

bad luck on the phone, next time u go to a fish shop (or u catch another monster) give it a ring, u never kno wo woulda picke dit up!!lol

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I've seen this ship a few times now and i tell you what......

You wanna start pulling the anchor in when it gets close. [img size=320]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/GetAttachment_5.jpg

Petty i couldn't get a photo of the whale.

Even though it was less than 100m away from the boat, I just couldn't get the camera out quick enough.


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I have always been lead to believe that mac tuna was the worst eating of the species.

Unfortunately i never even bled it so it's too late now. bugger!

Next time.

I always have soy on the boat too.

We did eat some sashimi Snapper though and it was beautiful dipped in soy.

On the topic...

My friend from Geelong told me how he used to dive for crays and because you're only allowed to keep two, he used to sit on the rocks and eat them raw so he could leave with only two.

That's a bit obsessive don't you think.

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Nastymind wrote:

I have always been lead to believe that mac tuna was the worst eating of the species.

Unfortunately i never even bled it so it's too late now. bugger!

Yeah that seems to be the general belief, but as long as you avoid the dark bit it's tasty as. Has to be eaten raw, rare at most if you want to sear the outsides.

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Your friend is a smart man, lobster sashimi is awesome!!

The flesh is sweet and dipped in soy and wasabi its delicious. Its usually served with the head still moving on the plate so you know its fresh. lol my wife is squeamish so we had get the head taken away.

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Awesome catch well done, Nice pics to, The Volvox Asia pic is a good one, been watching it come in and out of the port since Januaury, for those guys fishing near the rocks at the mouth of the river..2 words watch out!! there bow waves are huge...

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Got a tuna and kingfish on reeleascharters on friday and had them for sashimi the next day. Was awesome! soy, wasabi and some jap rice. However me sista fell sick the next day. Not sure if it was the fish or something else

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