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Re: Brays Rock to the Blinker - Snapper


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Well it was dark, raining lightly and for the second time this week I'm traveling the Bruce Highway in search of a fish launch whilst most people are thinking about heading off to work. The sound of a text message on the trusty mobile interupted some type of boot scooter music on the wireless, it was Terry :glad: "Where are ya big fella?", the message read. Not wanting to type and drive I hit the redial and gave him a call, just waiting for Lee down the road he says we both had no idea where we were going really. We all arrived at Shelly Beach Caloundra, unloaded the yaks, exchanged some friendly verbal abuse about donuts, and who would mentally be the winner today. Based on my previous experience with these 2 roosters they had some serious improving to do if they were going to beat me again today. We dragged the yaks a couple of hundred meters up the beach and were underway around 6:20am.

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Caloundra%20Offshore/101_1367-1.jpg

Brays Rock is 1km offshore from shellys Beach, we arrived, untangled Terry's mess on a couple of rods (stuck to the reef), and proceeded to reel in yakka after yakka after yakka, and if they weren't yakka they were pike or slimey's the water was alive with them, pitty we weren't after live bait :pain: . Every time the plastic hit the water we were on, so after a while it started to get on everyone's goat, Lets go to the Blinker says Lee :gu: , 4kms from Shellys on the edge of the shipping lanes, 30mins later we were there and it looked good even though the wind cut through like a mother inlaws kiss :gu:

No time to muck around BANG, Lee was on Oooooh this is goin to be good.

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Caloundra%20Offshore/101_1380.jpg

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Caloundra%20Offshore/101_1384.jpg

BANG, Al's turn, Bewdy

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Caloundra%20Offshore/101_1375.jpg

After some kleenex wiping of Terry's nose cause he was feeling left out, BANG, Terry's on.

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Caloundra%20Offshore/101_1386.jpg

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Caloundra%20Offshore/101_1390.jpg

All up an awesome session, 8 big keepers nothing under 50cm. Peddled around 10kms, temp was cold, very overcast but real good fishin. PB's for both Terry and I today at 57cm from the yak, mine was a boy snapper, Terry's was a girl snapper congrats mate. Lee and terry have some more piccy's. As always thanks for the trip dudes.

Terrys fish on the right and Lees on the left

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Caloundra%20Offshore/P7040713AFO.jpg

The entire catch

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Caloundra%20Offshore/P7040716AFO.jpg



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So I'll clarify a few things:

Lee posted Als report from KFDU and included his own little section at the end.

2nd When we got to the blinker, it was Lee who hooked up first, but then lost the fish. Bummer :(

I was the next to hook up, I wasn't aware of it because I had too much slack (lure drifted a bit quicker than me so in its completely freefalling drift it got nailed) I took up the slack bang, some weight! and as quick as I was on, I got bitten off.

So Lee put on another plastic on his jighead (snapper like those plastics..) and bang he got on, then al..

then I'm watching my rod bang.. there's a hit! I pick it up out of the holder to get ready aaaand.. BANG bzzzt yep I'm on there :D 8lbs vs 57cm Snapper.... mmmm bzzzzt..... bang bang head thumpin... gee I wonder if this is a snapper? bzzzzt ooo yep that's good :D Drags not set that lose either for the 8lbs...

Anyway nice fish landed 57cm - a new PB! Blowing my 37cm squire sky high and into a distant memory.

Next up I picked up a 56.5cm snapper, and thena fter a while got another smaller one.

Plastics I used was the Pumpkinseed Eyeballs in 5" (Eco product in AFO shop)

Plastics LEE used (I think) were the 5" Nuke Chicken GULPS

Plastics AL used (I think) some big slick rig you'd use on barra.

Oh, I also picked up a small squire on the troll back with a SX60 on some of the shallower reef north of brays. Just after this Lee hooked onto the biggest living thing all day... He even got it inside the yak.....

Anyway final tally:

Al: 2 Snapper, one 57 another low-mid 50s

Lee: 3 snapper, low-mid 50s and a mid-high 50s

Me: 3 Snapper, one 57, one 56.5 and another low 50s maybe high 40s.

Me again: 1 squire

Everyone: 512562 pike/slimeys or yakkas.

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Pedals helped a bit today too. There was a few times I would have drifted past the marker if it wasn't for my pedals. It's very comforting knowing that even if a fish is screaming off you can still move around to position yourself in a way that the fish wont run around the marker and bust you off. This was really noted on one of my snaps, I think the 2nd, it was hugging that marker - hooked him about 3m away from it :S

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Leighton wrote:

well worth the paddle lads. How did the Cal Bar look?

What sort of distance do you lads usually cover on an offshore trip and what level of fitness/ training do you do/need?

The Bar looked ok, We usually do a minimum of 10klms up to over 20klms on an offshore trip. Fitness level doesnt need to be as high as you might think with the hobies covering grounds with ease


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The launch was pretty straight forward

Very similar to your typical Bribie launch, small 1-2 ft dumpers on the beach and thats about it.

Next time we go I'll be taking that rod I won in the BRC and either trolling or dropping some live baits out ;) How fun would a big cobia or something of the like be ?:D Yak based.. :D

Thanks for the positive comments guys :)

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Angus wrote:

Good report mate. Good to see some more AFO shop lures doing the damage and getting the bigger fish :P

How was the launch? Looks like good weather...


G'day Angus,

The launch was about as good as the re-entry :woohoo: i'm going to grab some yakka's on the way out next trip, and then hang on.


Al [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Copy_of_101_1394.JPG


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Na I used the mirage drive to come in ont he back of that small wave...

Well that was the plan - lee got it right, looks like I beat the small wave in :laugh:

You just push one pedal all the way forward, brings the fins up flush against the hull.

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