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The Other Day


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G'Day All.

After weeks of talking with Terry on msn and a lot of half planned fishing trips that never happened as one of us was always busy, Terry and I met up the other day for some land based shark fishing .

This was a new venue for Terry and just as new to me being only the 2nd time I fished this spot for shark and with a weather forecast as bad as you get for fishing , Terry and I discussed if we should go or not and the choice was made that no matter what the weather was doing we would go.

A good choice, with no thunderstorms or showers as forecasted. Just a 20 knot North NorthEast wind we did not have to warry about getting caught out in a down poor or storm.

Having said that, Arriving late in the afternoon we wasted little time in rigging the baits and trying to get them deployed in the fading light with the wind as it was it was not much fun at all, the beach was like a surf beach .

My small 35cm freshwater eel was the first bait deployed about 50m from where we were , As I was on my way to take out the 2nd bait I was about 5m from the beach when I noticed that I had way to much water in the boat and the air was going down , ooh crap I got a hole !!!

Lucky Terry had his boat in the car, with a mad rush to get it out get the air into it and get the rest of the baits out in the water it was just about dark by this time .

I took out my bait with the wind blowing me back to the beach and not getting as far as I liked with Terry still waiting to get his mullet bait in the water I droped mine over the side and let the wind and blow me back in.

I let terry take his bait out and just in time as it was dark and hard to see, the wind made it like surf conditions and not helping us at all.

Terry’s and my 2nd bait would have been no more then 30m out as it was very very hard to make ground.

Night fall and all baits in the water , the glow sticks on the lines and still a bit of time to the high tide all we could do was sit and wait.

After some jokes and storys of pasted trips we looked at the time and it was just on high tide I was telling Terry that It will be now or within the next 3 hrs after high or just befor dead low that will bring a shark and true to my word 20mins after top of the tide I saw one of my glow sticks move.

A quite callout to Terry to look at my rod and the glow stick moved about 2meters down the line with a stop and then another short run befor it stoped,I picked the rod up and had it in my hand waiting for the 3rd run to set the hook , 2 or 3 mins had passed befor it went on the 3rd run and when it did it was peeling line out at a nice speed .

Setting the hook this shark gave me a short work out before beaching itself and allowing for me to get the hook out and getting some photos.

It was not a big shark by any means but giving the facted that it was so windy and the baits were in so close Terry and I were wrapped with this catch!! As it gave as hope for the rest of the night and the run out tide.

It was just after midnight and by this time the shark was cleaned and in the esky on ice with 2 hrs left till dead low tide there was still a bit of hope but this hope was fast fading as things changed quickly and the wind picked up and so the rain came down and it was bucketing down .

With the rain not looking to end anytime soon , we had no choice but to sit it out or just pack up as fast as we could and get the hell out of there.

We will never know what could have happen if we were there till after low .

But all and all it was a fun trip and thanks to Terry for having his boat as well and taking some nice photos.

[img size=346]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/pup.jpg

Post edited by: stingray, at: 2006/11/07 18:37

Post edited by: stingray, at: 2006/11/07 21:07


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Nah mate it's A little fella well under 50kg Just a pup not even call it a shark .

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: it would have been about 30kg max.

:whistle: This was my first time i did a set of jaws so as you can tell it's a crap job, but yeh [img size=346]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/cat_jaws.jpg

Post edited by: stingray, at: 2006/11/07 19:42


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Yeah mate, a little shark. We were going for bigger.

But damn, that must have been some mighty swell for that poor little beach! I remember paddling out, stopping for 5 seconds to try and communicate with marek, then wondering why the hell there was so much slack line. Oh yeah, I just got washed in 10m!!

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stingray wrote:

Nah mate it's A little fella well under 50kg Just a pup not even call it a shark .

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: it would have been about 30kg max.

:whistle: This was my first time i did a set of jaws so as you can tell it's a crap job, but yeh [img size=346]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/cat_jaws.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: stingray, at: 2006/11/07 19:42

Wow the livey even survived for another trip!:woohoo:

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werewolf wrote:

I reckon the jaws came up all right mate.

The only set I've ever cleaned (well tried too) was off a tiny shark, and well, I recked them...

I'll try again when I get a decent one:)

Just make sure you get a good, sharp knife. There's nothing like watching someone struggle to cut a shark, hey marek! :P

TIMBO: That would be fine. The only other things would be: what pound line does it have? do you have the right hooks, swivels, traces, bait?

Post edited by: TerryH, at: 2006/11/08 18:52

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Yeh Mate A good sharp knife is the key and i should know better , well lucky i did not forget glow sticks for my line and someone is lucky they got to use one of mine hey Terry?

As for getting lots of pratice for the comp, I need it as i have lost more shark then i land , lucky for this shark it was Released , Note not the same shark .

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

[img size=346]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/lucky.jpg


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Yes your right Terry :P 80lb on the TLD25 is over kill and on a 20kg rod something does not seem right.

All well some people will never play by the book :whistle:

Yeh mate I have a lot more line then you can see in the pic :laugh: I got a 2nd box of line and spools , you may even see some bob up on ebay when im low on money.

Put 50lb on the TLD25 mate fit 350m or so

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