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Quick sesh at bond uni, an a few sp questions.


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G'day all.

I hit the bond uni spot this sunday arvo and finally got a result with a 2 inch Gulp "new penny" minnow. I was pretty stoked, felt the head thrashings and my eyes widened, up comes a little flathead. Probably 30cm's worth.

Now being the novice that i am ide like to pose a few questions that i am pondering.

I let the little lizard go. i was wondering what the legal size of the flathead is to end up in the pan?

I got him with a twitch retrieval that now i know works great with these little minnow sp's with a 1/16 jig head. I had a 3 inch shrimp on first that had been reccomended to me but im unsure if useing the same retrieval method is appropriate for the shrimpy. If someone could shed some light on the matter i would much appriciate it.

Im next to grab the Gulp blood/sandworm soon. I would love to know before trying it what someone thinks about the type of retrieval is appropriate for this sp?



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Just to be safe I let any flathead go that is under 40 as I think some are 40 and some are 30. I also let anything over 70cm go too.

Well truth be told I actually let all my fish go, unless I am fishing with someone who is fishing for a feed. I hate seafood.

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The retrieve that you used with the minnows still works well with the shrimp. The Flathead that you most likely caught was a Dusky and their limit is 40cm-70cm. None can be taken above or below that limit. There are other types, but until you can be 100% about the species, best to stick within that slot limit. Flathead those size are also the best eating aswell.

For the sandworms, I've never used them, but most people "dead stick" them. ie, use them as bait and just leave them in the one place:huh: So they're not really a soft plastic when fished like that

Nice work on the first fish as well. They'll be coming thick and fast once you get the hang of it:)

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Yeah how good is the sharks there, basically jumping into your living room ;) .

Thanks planetfonz I had no idea about the trevally. I know i will be there this summer...

Btw.. Am I supposed to be running a swivel with sp's an lures, line twist is becomming quite apparent. If so, how much line should there be between lure an swivel?



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eheh yeah i've spent many a summer paddling a canoe around those lakes and canals at that end of the coast. during summer a live trevally will be inhaled by a shark very quickly. also when the gates are open and water flowing in or out, let your lure out 2 metres or so and stick your rod tip in the water :D - its a strange ol spot there

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Oh yeah that one looks good.. Bigeye trevally. He took off a few times :)

caught it on squiggies. and caught the flathead off the power minnow 3".

Hey planetfonz, do u know if there are all the one sort of trevally in those waters?

Cheers trav [img size=131]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/images-a6831d24cf2a4199039999aa1aa3aeec.jpg


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well my first ever golden trevally caught on a lure (a monster at 21cms :D) was caught there on a 40gm raider lure during an outgoing flow from the weir, beautiful looking little fish tho. came off the bank where the student building is now, also gt's and big-eye trevs up to 1.5kg or so. as for silver or even possibly bludger trevs, i never personally got them up that far but around the gold coast bridge we got heaps and it would not surprise me at all that they'd go right up the system. in the cast nets tho we'de also get juvenile queenfish and tailor as well as the different trevs. the lakes there are rather extensive now so theres bound to be a lot that would go in and stay due to the food they have on offer. if u need bait herring jig off the weir or a precise cast net shot should be fine. the one difficult thing is the mesh they've used to hold the rocks down extends out along the bottom a good 10-15metres either side of the weir. its been the cause of many a lost pile of tackle.

ok i've rambled on... :D coffee time mm

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That mesh could be a problem, cheers for the heads up, i havent been off the weir gates yet. i hate getting snagged an losing good tackle.

Yeah i dont mind this place at all.. Went back today.

Pull out a decent size flathead with alot patience, 48cm which is now my PB.

I got it up on the bank for a photo. my excitment from the fight was overwhelming. After i took the photo, without thinking i 'dead-lifted' it an snapped the line. The lizard took it as his cue to skiddadle back into the water. Bloody smart fish as i had something else in mind for that 1. oh well.. now i know what not to do... an ill catch him again next time!

Caught it on a 4cm kokoda pre rigged mad shad. Might put an effort into a hard body next time. Do Flatties hit Hardbodies well?



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  • 5 months later...

Been hitting this spot quite frequently and there isnt a heap going on here. I was hopeing for a trev this summer but the only 1 i saw was 1 caught by another angler. atleast they are there but no where near thick.

Anyone else try this spot much?

Ive tried nearly all techniqes of both modern and oldschool fishing but can only manage a good day being 2 fish.

The flatties have also dissapeared completly from here, im almost sure.

Cheers all


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