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My first full rod build


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Well, after replacing the guides on a few different rods, and various repairs to others, I thought I'd try my hand at building a full rod.

I was after a good estuary/light surf rod to match up with a 5" or 5 1/2" Alvey, to chase flathead, dart, bream etc.

So to start off with I chose the Snyder Glas CR126 5W blank. To put CR126 5w into English it means it was built on the Club Rod mandrel (CR) it is 126" long (10'6") with 5 wraps of glass at the butt(5W). This blank is good for 4-6kg line and casting 30 odd grams. The guides I chose were ALPS luminous guides, which are very handy for night time fishing.

I'll let the pics speak for the rest. As it stands is it is basically finished, just have to finish off coating the bindings with the hi gloss rod finish. And after I use it for a bit, if my finger cops a flogging when reeling in the big ones, I'll chuck an open runner just in front of the fore-grip (hence why there is no fancy artwork there yet! :P )

I strapped the reel on just before & went out the back to the school yard & launched a sinker of about 25 grams just over 60 m without too much effort, so should be good when actually doing a proper surf cast.

[img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSC03737_AFO.jpg


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, a report back on the rod. I tried it out at the Bribie comp last weekend. Didn't catch anything on it :( but felt good loaded up when reeling in big clumps of weed. :laugh:

Anyway, went to a garage sale this morn guess what I found?

A homemade rod almost exactly the same as this one for $10! Bargain, so took a closer look. First up noticed it was low mount for an Alvey - awesome! All the guides were Fuji luminous guides in perfect condition - awesome! So I grabbed it so the missus can have a surf rod for bream etc as well.

Got it home and played around with it a bit, pulled the butt-cap off & found it was also built on a CR1265W Snyder blank! The only difference is this new one is a 2 piece rod, but I'm sure she can deal with that. Only thing wrong with it is some of the old bindings are a bit messy & for the top half of the rod, the guides are perpendicular to the spine, so feels a bit funky when loaded up! Still, nothing that a re-bind can't fix. :cheer:

How happy am I, the first one ended up costing just under $90, now I have 2 light surf rod's built on great blanks for $100! :cheer:

Out of interest CR1265W's built up retail for around $125 to $139 each!



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another component of fishing that seems to be addictive...think I'll steer clear of building until I can control my lure buying and ebay shopping habits:P

good looking rod Matt, don't see too many alvey outfits posted here, but most of us probably have one or two in our collections, I know I do:)


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Mate just a couple of tips in regards to building a rod specifically for an alvey, As you know a low mount reel seat, The first stripper guid should be close to half way up the length of the rod and as ferel said be 60-75mm min, the way u have it now will greatly reduce the casting and fishing performance of the rod. Just a couple of tips for your next one


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Rocket - yeah I guess you could say it's addictive, problem is I still haven't got my lure spending habits under control yet, good thing I steer clear of ebay... thus far...

Feral - If It was a bit of a longer rod, teamed up with a 6.5" or 7" Alvey, I definitely would've used one of the larger stripper guides but didn't think it's necessary for the 5" or 5.5" reel that I'll be using with this.

Lee - Thanks for the tips mate. As it is now the stripper guide is exactly halfway up between the reel-seat and the tip, it just looks as though it's only a quarter of the way up due to the bad angle of the photo. When I rebind the second rod I picked up, I might chuck a larger stainless stripper on instead for comparisons sake.



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