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Pommy Plastic PB, Phwoarr!!!


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Went out yesterday with Dom (BrisFisher) for a lesson in SBs and HBs. Off we cruise (Falcon, not a Tinny!) to Manly Harbour, dark clouds brewing. I'm taking off my prawn star to rig a jig head. Dom's second cast, bam! Nice size Bream. I'm still setting up my jighead when, Bam! Dom pulls a small flounder! Finally get my line in the water......Nothing for 5 hours! A few nibbles and missed fish from Dom. We tried sbs, nook chook seems the go for sure, hbs, switchblades, Dom even got a look in on a popper!! By now we'd been up and down the whole wall so we relocated to the boat ramp in the harbour. By now the tide was quite out, but we flicked around the pontoon for a bit. It was now starting to rain, so it was nearly time to go, still, one last cast and all that...........Reeled me line in, I've only caught a Whiting!!!!!!!! Surely this is the world record for smallest fish on a lure??? It's not even as big as the 2" night thingy lure!! Still, duck broken, rock on!!! [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/oz11_136a.jpg

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I'd like to thank Dom for an entertaining and highly informative day, shame you never bought me that pie:dry: , but thanks muchly for the SX-40, look forward to using it in anger!!!B) B) B) This forum is a godsend for us novice boys and girls, just like to thank everyone for all the great advice and fishing sessions so far.:fishing:

Here's Dom's Bream

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Your still new to fishing in Brisbane mate, but I love reading your reports. I allways get a good laugh out of them. The thing that I'm most impressed about though is your enthusiasm and passion for fishing, it's great watching you learning from people and useing that information to get results. "Respect Kev"B)

It wont be long and you will be teaching newbies how to fish Brisbane;)


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brisfisher wrote:

flatty_catcher wrote:
looks like a hefty leader brisfisher..

where you expecting somthing bigger?


12lb mate,was chasing flatties with the possibility of a few trevs.we fished a strech of coffee rock so there was the chance of some decent by-catch.

ah yeah , it looks thicker in the pic, they say there are some big bream around down there at times.


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