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Brisbane River Jew.


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Since my boat has been out of order for the past few months Ive been doing a lot of land based fishing for Jew and Threadies, both with quite a bit of success. I have caught 9 threadies in the past four weeks ranging from 81cms to 1.26meters and three jew the largest being 1.41meters. This is just out of the brissy river.. how lucky are we guys to have such amazing fishing right on our doorstep.. I want to post a pic of one of the jew but you can clearly see where its caught and I want to keep it a bit of a secret. Has anyone else been having sucess especialy with Jew in the river? I'd love to hear from you guys..:fishing:

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yeah Ive learnt my lesson about telling people spots haha, the last threadie spot I gave away ruined it, I still cant fish it a year later because too many people get in there now.. I'm lucky to have a couple of fishing monthly pro's give me a few hints from time to time but the rest is hard work and time so I dont see the point in giving them away for nothing. I always sware my mates to secrecy when I take them and hide our catches in case someone comes along and spots what we've caught.. so paranoid lol

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BassTracker wrote:

I didnt know it was a rule not to obscure the background of a picture, is it? If so I'll just make sure I photograph them away from the scene of the crime next time so i dont have to worry.

Yeah thats the best bet. Its pretty easy to take a photo looking down etc so its still a good photo and doesnt give away anything about the location. Except maybe to a few budding geologists :P


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Its a rule. Thats it. Bass tracker has admitted he didnt realise, and like he said, now he'll just take photos that dont show the back ground when in spot x's. problem solved. This thread isnt about questening the rules, its about a dude whos caught some awesome fish. People can dedicate another thread or speak to admin if they dont like the rules.

Now back to the thread. Thanks for the tips to Bass tracker:)

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Angus wrote:

BassTracker wrote:
Although there is a secret cerimony of secrecy and spiritual cleansing that must be done before we go haha;)

Hahaha no worries mate. Ill bring the goat and the virgin :P


watch out for that Anugs guy he is angus's evil twin and loves sacrifices and virgins!!!! FYI the virgin is sacrificed and what happens to the goat... well thats for another forum rofl!!!

in all seriousness though great haul mate awesome to see people fishing the river with such success!

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Angus wrote:

BassTracker wrote:
Although there is a secret cerimony of secrecy and spiritual cleansing that must be done before we go haha;)

Hahaha no worries mate. Ill bring the goat and the virgin :P


You and those bloody goats again! Honestly, you'll use any reason to bring out your goats!

Basstracker sounds good mate, always keen.

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BassTracker wrote:

I didnt know it was a rule not to obscure the background of a picture, is it? If so I'll just make sure I photograph them away from the scene of the crime next time so i dont have to worry.

nice, i've only caught schoolies before and on dead baits at that, and a threadie on live herring. i'd really like to get a few jews and threadies on lures, going to start getting serious about it though because i've bought a bunch of lures but never had the balls to go and fish with just them.

reckon some gulp 5" jerk shads would do the trick, or maybe a 13cm barra hardbody?

would love to bag a big jewie, last one i ate at 85cm or so tasted fantastic no matter how badly i murdered it in the kitchen :P

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nadders wrote:

BassTracker wrote:
I didnt know it was a rule not to obscure the background of a picture, is it? If so I'll just make sure I photograph them away from the scene of the crime next time so i dont have to worry.

nice, i've only caught schoolies before and on dead baits at that, and a threadie on live herring. i'd really like to get a few jews and threadies on lures, going to start getting serious about it though because i've bought a bunch of lures but never had the balls to go and fish with just them.

reckon some gulp 5" jerk shads would do the trick, or maybe a 13cm barra hardbody?

would love to bag a big jewie, last one i ate at 85cm or so tasted fantastic no matter how badly i murdered it in the kitchen :P

I think the jerk shads would work really well, i think its all about finding the spots, If you'd like some good threadfin lures to try out just email and I'll tell you a few that Ive found work well..

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