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more jungle bass

James W

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rayke1938 wrote:

Congrats on a great session and thanks for sharing.

Angus its going to kill you having to go back to work on weekends.



ps how many leeches?

Ray I didnt take any time off over X-mas. But thanks to the whole economic situation Saturdays have been really quiet for me!


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badboygibbo wrote:

How big do you reckon the monster was?? length and weight?

Great fish there boys and good country too!


Its hard to say. I dont like guessing figures as then it becomes a "fishing story" as opposed to "fishing report" :P. But the yellows we have pictured are pretty good size but would have been dwarfed by this fish.

I have caught a 58cm Yella in Hinze and this was bigger.

If I hold my hand out splayed that was seriously its tail!


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yep..thats one thing that stood out with the yella that got away..its tail!..it was massive....i reckon it was round the same size as rockets weight wise, the one he got at np dam..a monster yella..but this one today might have been longer thou..

angus..you got "owned"! :blink:

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ellicat wrote:

Great session. Awesome looking spots.

Would loved to have seen the big fella.:woohoo:

I would like to have held the big fella!

One piece of advice id give to anyone fishing this river, if you miss a strike keep peppering the same location.

To land the one yellow out of this hole Jimmy and I both got several strikes and actually dropped a fish a couple of times. Im not sure if its coz some of these fish have never seen lures, but they are agressive as!

Also for small pools they seem to be bale to hold a good number of fish.


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