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Angler's Almanac


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Who has one?

Do you consult it before a fishing trip?

If you do, have you noticed if you catch more fish on the so-called "best or good" days and bomb out on the "fair and poor" days?

Or don't you even care .... you just wanna go fishing and let it just happen?

I have one.

I take a peek at it either before I go fishing or during but I don't plan around it.

I have noticed a better catch rate if I do fish around the "better days" but it doesn't stop me fishing on the others.

As a newby I find it handier for fish ID but I know some who plan all their trips around it.

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The almanac is based on movements of the sun and moon. Its a proven fact that the phases of the moon affect the feeding patterns of some fish but that's only one part of the puzzle. There are a raft of other factors that are equally important and in some cases more important, such as weather patterns, barometric pressure, prevailing winds, salinity, water temp, migration patterns, spawning seasons, movements of bait species to name just a few.

Dont throw the almanac away, use it for what it is ....part of the puzzle. Just learn to read the others as well.

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