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Real Basic Boat Info


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Been reading a lot about boats recently, but can't find a Dummy's Guide to Boat Bits. I need to know what each part is called and what bit it is to understand the reviews and boating articles. You know, stuff like gunwhale, transom, rocket launchers, down riggers, double bow eye, bulwark, long shaft outboard, tote tank, aft cleats, coaming bolster, cross-thwart, beam, freeboard, split bow rails, port, starboard etc etc. It's like learning a new language and a detailed diagram or website would help immensely. (Or maybe even buy a book.......How old school!!)


PS I can bring a list of bits down to the boat ramp and be taught whilst deckying if this helps........ ;)

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if moparkevuk gets a boat WE will all have to look out as he will be doing wheel stands :woohoo: or ( outboard stands) like in his ve val:laugh: hang on a minute moparkev will have a chrysler on the back :P no chance then were all safe:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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reelchippy wrote:

noname wrote:
worry about that when you get ya boat

Spot on noname lots of time then

It would be nice to know what I'm reading about though, eh? Research first, buy when I know what's what. That linky is gold Jeff, thanks. Will be in touch re swappie and book.

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Well any petrolhead knows what that is!! :P (What ratio gears and are they soft race ones? ;) And are "Richmong" a cheap chinese version of "Richmond"? :dry: )

But if I was looking at a boat and the geezer sez "there's a bit of electrolysis in the transom, it's no biggy" up 'til last week I wouldn't have been any the wiser. (Not that I'd look at a boat without an expert from here of course!!)

Knowledge is Power

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