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Hey guys todays sunday and the lines have closed for people interested in joining us. we have 31 people attending the bbq which should make it a fun and enjoyable day. If anyone has any special dietry requirements please let me know. So far the only dietry requirements we know of are ash and his family. See you there.

BIG Dave

Post edited by: BIG DAVE 1, at: 2006/06/18 20:45

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Funny you ask that, ive just been studying all that crap at school, now High risk foods should be cooked through, also you mush make sure that the food is kept above 65 degrees. so we shall be using metal dishes and all purpose foil. But im sure the food will go pretty quickly. plus the dishes will be kept on the bbq to maximise heat.


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Righto now, on Ausfish, I saw someone offered to show someone how to use soft plastics on the BRC BBQ day at Newstead.

So how about getting a bit formal about it, one of the experts giving a bit of a talk and class to a few of us there?

Coz I would be interested in learning myself. Old man was silly enough to leave his soft plastics in his boat when he went away, so I have plenty to lose whilst learning! :evil:

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I hope so, one of the parents coming with my lot has stated \"she is not touching any bait\" so I figure she's a natural for soft plastics!

Me - I am getting sick of paying $30 a kilo for bait (Thats roughly what frozen prawns from the servo work out at!), when tides are wrong for pumping yabbies.

I reckon I will pump some yabbies to bring along - (just so the kids catch the biggest bream!) and I'll have a go with these fabled plastics myself. Then when I catch nothing I can spend the next 6 months or so taking the piss out of Angus on the forum!

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Ando it was not me actually.

But as your the resident SP bream man and Troy is the Flatty man, i reckon you two could givelessons.

I can teach anyone what i know.

But it would be more of a case of do what i say not what i do.

I have only caught two fish on SP's.


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Alrighty then.

Went over to Newstead and cased the joint today.

Had a yarn with the old fella that sets up all the signs for the shop and everything. He reckons parking is at a premium on Sundays, and the House gets its most visitors that day.

So I went and cased the side street, which was wierd. Newstead Terrace, eastern side of road has no parking meters, western side does! (figure that out). Heaps of huge yuppie \"soon to be slum\" accomodation towers along there, but there was plent of parking available today, so probably a good chance of getting a spot along there Sunday.

Big Dave where are you planing on setting up your BBQ and weigh in station? On the point near the Pergola, or round the southern side where it is flat under the trees? (with 2 or 3 picnic tables)

I am figuring on spending most of my time round on the flat area with the kids, they can play a bit of cricket or soccer if they get bored fishing. There is a little sand bank at the bottom of the wall there they can fish from / make sand castles etc, . Looks like it will be exposed when the tide gets about 1/2 way out. (I figure high tide will be between 10 and 11 that far up the river, so after lunch the bank should appear).

Also they can caste towards the pontoon and terrorise anyone who is fishing off it!

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Gday Andrew.

Thanks for the pics makes my job a lot easier.

Yes that tree is exactly were i was planning to set up.

The picnic tables will help everyone and as you said, plenty of rook for the people that wont be fishing all day. As with Dave i shall be there early. Hopefully the large Knife on my belt should help ensure we annex the enire area!


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Good to know the boundary, knowing where the boundary actually is - I think people are honest enough if they wander further in the chase for fish they would not put their hand up for your generous prize.

But I must admit I am getting worried Dave, are you going to be able to cook the food after all the slaps over the wrist from our rather zelous Moderator TerryH ?

Post edited by: Feral, at: 2006/06/22 19:14

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I'll be bringing some folding chairs, Bill said he will try and remember to bring a small table, Fixed Vickie's sons fishing rod, planning to pump yabbies tomorrow, will probably have some worms left over from today, might even bring a big rod to float a pillie or two.

Alright kids are getting excited,(2 more sleeps!) I am getting excited, weatherman reckons the rain will clear before sunday, lookin good!

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The following posts were taken from the \"My cast net, finally!\" thread. I thought they would be better in here as they relate to the BBQ.


Ill bring mine, its seen better days but it still works a treat I have afew ways, so get you dirtier then others, especially when fishing the brissie river.



oh good someone to supply the bait!


yeah, im planning on having a heap of cast in breakfast creek to stock out on bait for when i go down the coast.



So Dave is supplying the bait prawns for the comp, he's a nice fella


should I bring an Airator, or have you got that covered to?


There will be plenty of buckets so i dont think there could be to many airators.

Live baits in the murky water are far superior in my opinion.


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Which one? cooking early or bringing an airator?

Also I have access to some great buckets with sealable lids if you want me to bring a few (or even if anyone wants some for free, coz I wont want to take any home). We buy premix in them at work, then toss them when the shed fills up with empties. They are slightly bigger than a standard bucket and tough as nails. They have the odd spot of bitumen left in them, but very little, as the premix is in plastic bags.

Only issue is you need to take the instruction sticker off the outside (easily done) before much use otherwise the biodegradable sticker does exactly that, and flakes off in little pieces everywhere! Those little pieces can be hard to pick up, coz the sticky stuff on the back still sticks!

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I don't think another net would hurt. Even if you don't use it in the water, you can still learn how to cast it:) If you haven't already, that is

There would be nothing worse than everyone catching only small amounts of bait when there's a large number of people

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Well, I would say I'd love 6.. but I think that's too much:P

I don't know how many you can bring, but I would love 2 Feral. I'm sure a lot of people would love at least 1. I know sometimes I could probably use 4 for bait, but that's when I go fishing with my mates.

Edit: my recommendation would be to bring as many as you can. I'm sure they will all be taken.

Post edited by: TerryH, at: 2006/06/24 13:08

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