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Let's help TRAVIS make 1000.

Bri The Pom

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Do$tylz wrote:

^^ bloody spammers.... but while we're on the topic of wii's... you can now soft mod them and just load the iso's of games onto an external harddrive and play off it... absolutely AWESOME!!
how exactly do you do that? i use damon tools on the pc for iso's, if you DL the wii iso files and bang them on an external how do you get them to play on the wii?
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Davo_Dinkum wrote:

u remember that tv add .when it became law to wear a helmet on a push bike .

they had the guys on push bike and the jet planes .air pilot's all wearing helmets.

and the slogan was hero's wear helmets where ever the fly.

almost needed one in snappin before i put the extra weight in her, rob left nuggets on the floor on her first run at colmslie :laugh:

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yay trav... 1000 :)

yeah there's some mini app you put on a sd card, connect your external hdd to the usb port at the back of the wii, and bobs your uncle... I dunno exactly how its done (i haven't done it myself... got mine chipped months ago)... but the guys at work have done it and I'll do mine soon.

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Do$tylz wrote:

yay trav... 1000 :)

yeah there's some mini app you put on a sd card, connect your external hdd to the usb port at the back of the wii, and bobs your uncle... I dunno exactly how its done (i haven't done it myself... got mine chipped months ago)... but the guys at work have done it and I'll do mine soon.

That's funny, bob's my uncle too :dry:

Good work Brad and Trav - you both certainly keep this place lively ! :woohoo:

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