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Tingalpa Creek

Aaron H

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Hey guys,

After an afternoon of not being able to decide where I wanted to go (Forgot to charge Deep cycle battery, so that ended my hopes of going to Lowood) decided to go to old faithful tinny creek for a Tilapia bash. Armed with bread and worms caught some monsters again and every cast had hits with the mullet burleyed up and the Tilapia cruising underneath them getting the scraps very entertaining to watch. Also caught the biggest Eel tailed catfish I have seen down there so he headed straight to the BBQ plate as well.

[img size=450]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSCF0227.JPG

Tonights dinner

Post edited by: Aaron H, at: 2007/03/24 19:45


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Tilapia and jew are great eating mate, especially in curries ;) the mullet i keep for bait. I am surprised by the number of people who turn there nose up at Tandans up here, down south we love them although they are endangered (thanks Mr Carp, I draw the line at eating those things though:sick: )

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Aaron, hope it's OK but I thought I would add to your post with some Tinny Creek action rather then starting a new one.

Sunday 25/3/7 thanks to a tip from Aaron I snuck in some creek fishing while my birthday son was in town. Had not been there before so it was a bit of hit and miss. I think I was too far down river cause all I could catch was some bream and catfish. Still not bad, 4 fish in 30 mins - can't complain about that. [img size=482]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/8-d0946b811ad54097d661f27f395d8b3b.JPG

Post edited by: Brian D, at: 2007/03/25 15:52


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Aaron H wrote:

By the looks of it mate you might have been down a bit I fish directly in front of the submerged shopping trolley (NO jokes its sad when we use pollution as a marker) Still not a bad effort for during the day. What bait did u use?

Yeah Aaron I found that spot but thre was already 3 people on it :( so I went north till I found somewhere reasonable to have a cast. :)

What is it with the trolleys - like there are heaps of them all along the track. Trolley races by the creek.:pinch:

Terry - too many family committments for boating but as a true \"mad keen\" I still got a fish in;) and proud.

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Yeah not a lot of bank access on the creek would be a great spot for a kayak would love to fish right under the dam wall could be all sorts of things holed up in there.

The youth of capalaba must not have much to do judging by the amount of trolleys along there.

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Fella's if you go on your moonlight journey, take your wallet, its an on the spot fine, a few hundred I have been told.

Cowfish, yeah I have heard that, but that is not all that awe inspiring! I have eaten most of the others, and it would not take a lot for something to taste better! I dont eat fish these days at all. (ok very rarely when on a trip away)

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Feral wrote:

Fella's if you go on your moonlight journey, take your wallet, its an on the spot fine, a few hundred I have been told.

Cowfish, yeah I have heard that, but that is not all that awe inspiring! I have eaten most of the others, and it would not take a lot for something to taste better! I dont eat fish these days at all. (ok very rarely when on a trip away)

thats if the security guarg/ slash ranger could be arsed getting out of the car walking through the wet grass in the dark

most of these people do those jobs to get out of work signs are there to scare you

like look at half hour parking you can park there for half an hour but your half hour doesnt start to till an awareness time so you might get three hours

then they guard ussually has to go back to their office and grab an autocite machine and ticket you but the last 20 times he done that the car left and he wasted his time so now he doesnt do it cause he wants to get out of work

no offence to security guards but i been in the industry both custodial and public security it was a dunce

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Oz you missed my drift - On site we can not promte illegal practices. If it says no fishing, then so be it, on site we obey.;)

It's not about getting away with it , it's about promoting responsable fishing practices. Is that said more clearly. :blush:

By the way Aaron is a Security Guard and he works very hard.:P

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Ha, I knew it. When I saw you posing for pics with them brembo's I thought it might be someone from here.

I was the one fishing on the bank!!

Don't worry not much going on my end either. The tilapia were very quiet that day.

I fish at the dam wall most of the time in my kayak but couln't be fudged dragging it down on sunday.

The first couple of times at the wall we got zillions of pest ones but every now and then a big eel tail or forkie pops up as well as the very occasional bass.

Lately I have been getting a few whiting along the run down to the spillway and heaps of gar there last week.

Some sort of herring came out once too, that was fun, like a little barra wannabe jumping everywhere.

I am surprised I have not met Aaron there yet, I have noticed your posts from sessions there on the same days I have been in, just different times.

I am pretty easy to spot, blue kayak with fish hanging out everywhere. I wish!

I don't think it is illegal to fish on that side of the spillway, I have been there before when the water people were on the dam wall and they gave a wave instead of a fine.

I will probably head down one afternoon this week in the yak with some beer and worms with the tides late in the afternoon might be good fishin again, if not at least I'll have worms and some beer to wash em down.:whistle: ~

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Fangdangle, Was that you with the 2 kids? If so that was me with the 2 dogs and a beautiful lady (wife).

Small world - how cool.

Mate those Yak trips sound cool - but you mentioned tidal - How tidal does it get? I must say I was supprised at the bream. Was it high, low or mid tide when I was there? I thought the water was just flowing out.

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I think it was pretty much the top of the tide that day, it was only a small tide. On the really big tides you can get some nice sized bream there.

I was the one there when you left. I was by myself but those kids on the bikes were a friends who lives just up from where you were, they see the car and always come down for a stickybeak.

I'm thinking of heading down this afternoon just off the bank for a bit. Got an hour or two to kill, see how it goes.

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