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DNA testing may solve crab crime


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From the SMH website:

Authorities are relying on DNA testing to crack down on the illegal trade in mud crabs.

Fisheries Queensland officers will use DNA technology to determine the origin of 156 muddies seized last month from a truck on the Queensland-NSW border.

Two people found in possession of the haul claim the crabs were caught in the Northern Territory, and therefore Queensland's tougher size and other restrictions don't apply.

Officers will rely on test results to prove where the crabs came from - specimens from Queensland's east coast have a different DNA profile to those from the Northern Territory.

"In Queensland, if fishers catch female and undersize crabs they must be removed from the trap and returned to the water immediately," Fisheries Minister Tim Mulherin said.

"Only 22 of these crabs were legal according to Queensland rules.

"Fishers are also reminded that the bag limit for mud crabs is 10 per person," Mr Mulherin said.

The maximum fine for keeping undersized or female crabs is $100,000.


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