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Deck Repair


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I decided to get stuck into the deck repair that I had planned for the boat this weekend.

All in all it turned out quite well I think.

I spent last week thinking about how I was going to attack it and planned out what I wanted to do. There were some minor changes on the fly to the initial plan during the job but I pretty much had the majority of it sorted which saved a heap of time, less trips back and forth to get supplies etc. For those that have done this before, you'll know what I mean.

Anyway, simply...

1. remove carpet

2. remove old bodgy job

3. cut out deck and new pieces

4. Fit and fibreglass

5. Carpet and finish off

So I'll put up some pics rather than explaining the whole thing in detail.

Firstly, this is what I started with, minus the old carpet of course, which I'd already started attacking before I thought of taking photos.


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So the old job from the previous owner just had a piece of form ply sitting on top of the stringers and he'd added some more ply on the edges and glued it down.

The board just came straight off once the carpet was gone and as you can see, nothing was sealed. IMG_2775.jpg

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I cut out the old seat pedestal mounts, (no plans for seats in this boat) and started work below deck. The stringers were good except for one of the starboard side ones. This was where the edge of the previous cut ended and the weight of the seat on that edge and lack of sealing was hammering it.

After cutting out everything and putting in new wood, I also added this framework to mount the new deck to.


I sealed the wood with resin and tabbed it into the hull and stringers with fibreglass.

I went pretty hard on the fibreglass and made sure everything was sorted.

No pics of the under deck fibreglassing, I was too busy getting it all done and in place before it started going off and I just wanted to get it done as quickly as possible.

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Filler done and deck now sheeted in with fibreglass. I used three layers on each side. Starting off with 200mm, then 150mm, then 100mm. It reduced the edge and also as I've read adds strength to a join.

Anything would be better than the last job, but I at least want to try an do this as well as I can even though it's my first attempt with deck repair and fibreglassing. IMG_2784.jpg

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Well that was pretty much Saturday, so I let everything cure overnight and started after lunch today on the carpeting.

I put the carpet in and cut it out to shape.

Next step was to get high on contact adhesive ;-)

I used a wet bond technique and started from one corner and slowly worked across the boat.

It was quite time consuming but pre cutting everything made everything much easier. I also wanted to be careful not to put adhesive on anything except between the carpet and the deck.

A bit more time mucking around with edges, adding some ally strips and doing the fuel tank cover I was pretty much done.

A quick vacuum and a couple of shots of the finished job. IMG_2788.jpg

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looking aft.


I left the old carpet down the back as it was still in one piece and I plan to put another two fuel tanks in there anyway.

Now that this job is done I think I will get some more carpet and redo the boards along the side and up in the cabin. I also plan to re-upholster the bunks as well so I might plan a weekend in the coming months to do this next stage.

Thanks for reading :-)


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Fantastic! but did note you sealed the timber with resin and stringers with glass. Usually we would "evedure" everything thats timber/ ply first. Just keep it in mind, for yourself and other DIY shipwrights. Thinning epoxy resin does a simular job, buts its not a timber preservative.

Cheers Steve :)

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