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late report from sunday arvo comera sesion

mick fillet

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well sunday was a busy day for me n family but we still managed to get a quick fish in down the coomera.The river was very clean not really clear but clean.it was great being able to troll a good stretch of bank with out the lure picking up a bit muck or floating weed in the water.

I thought little öl boggy creek might be copping a flogging at the moment so I decided to go to the coomera to smack up a flatty for FOTM.

I went straight to the gravel shoals and rock fingers and trolled up n down and in no time at all a few flatties little trevs and a few tailor were boated.It was running out low tide near the end of the run for the tide and 3ft natural tilsans and micro mullets did the damage.

went for fast troll a few times up the lake for some GT's. 50+models is what I wanted but had no luck just more tailor and a few papuan trevs and a tiny big eye and a tiny GT from the head water near the wier.


little trevs kept us busy

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