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Proud Dad


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Well is was forst to hae a ride this arvo i couldnt help myself.

I was sitting stationary with the engine going in neutral and sam thought it would be fun to hear it rev. OOPS, i crapped my pants, front wheel in the air. when you sitting as far back on the thing as an adult has to it doesnt take much for the front to lift.

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  • 1 month later...

Bad news. Bike was stolen from a locked shed out near Laidley.

Police called and reported stolen.

Police. Can you come into the station to give us a statement as even though we are a country station we are not given a 4wd or vehicle capable of coming out to look at the site from which it was stolen.

So much for my boys early bday the xmas present.

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Bad news. Bike was stolen from a locked shed out near Laidley.

Police called and reported stolen.

Police. Can you come into the station to give us a statement as even though we are a country station we are not given a 4wd or vehicle capable of coming out to look at the site from which it was stolen.

So much for my boys early bday the xmas present.

danm thats no good. sorry to hear. hope you get it back in one piece

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