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Breaky Creek - Bretts Wharf 19/05


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Well after a big night on the turps me and the gf launched from colmslie boat boat ramp at around 9 or so just making the last hour or so of the incoming tide.

Through the cast net out and got a prawn YAY for me im a master caster now ahahaha. Luke 1 - prawns 0

didnt get anything for about 30 minutes near the pilons on the road side near brekky creek so we moved over towards the morings and got 3 cat fish.... we were so excited on the first one cos it didnt really fight, then just before surfacing it put up a massive one so without seeing it i thought dinner was on the way..... little did i know lol

so after our 3 catties we moved up past the mouth of brekky creek near the construction site to the structure around there hopeing for some bream...no luck. back down right out the front of the mouth...no luck... back to the pylons...no luck

so at this point I say well babe catching catfish is better than catching nothing at all. so back we went...no luck.

then we moved down a bit right out the front of where the private jetties are and we caught 2 bream, gf caught the legal one i caught the undersize one (to which she commented \"see no matter what women tell guys size does matter\")but we put both back cos 1 wasnt enough for our first self caught seafood banquet.

then the fun came, twas about 3:30 and BANG goes the spare rod in the holder ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ i dropped my rod so fast it almost fell over and my god the end result was dissapointing being a cattie but man it was so much fun fighting that fish.

So no squire, dont know if i was fishing the right areas, tides, baits etc but it was still a fun day. 5 catties and 2 bream our best day so far. Baits used were hardi head caught from last week and prawns from the servo.

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