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first bream on lure

T Fisher

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i have caught a lot of fish on lures over the years but never managed a bream on one i was working in newfarm park today and i decided to take a rod to work with me today during my lunch break i went down near the stormwater outlet and caught this fellow on the first cast


i had another good fish on on the second cast but i pulled the hooks too eager to land the fish had a couple more small taps but no more takeres on lures changed to bread under float caught 4 more this way



had to go back to work as lunch was over 15mins ago hate it when work interfears with my fishing anyway happy to have finally caught one on a lure at last

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i wish i was allowed to fish at lunch at school that would be great, well done on the bream i think you will be down there every day now



i wish i work as a land scaper doing concrete edging in parks schools industrial and also smaller private jhobs i get to fish at lunch time a few times a year but i have to be strong willed and leaqve my fishing gear at home most times i am near water or i wont get any work done i have been into newfarm park about 12 times in the last 4 months and this is the first time i took fishing gear in should have taken sooner would have got more fish but much less work done

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