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Easter Road Trip - Sydney And Back Again


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Well Im home. Long drive and good times.

The point of this trip was not primarily fishing as I had some business along the way and a lot of friends to catch up with, but well yeah, as if there were not some rods packed.

First fishing stop was Forster were I met up with Rupunzel (new member to this site). He and his mate Beau were kind enough to take me out on Beau's "Stratos" chasing bream around the forster racks. I only had about an hour to dedicate however due to a pressing engagement so no fish were caught by me on the boat. I was lucky enough to score a 32cm bream at the ramp while I was waiting for sleepy people to arrive hahaha. However it did open my eyes to the largest series of racks I had ever seen! Well worth a visit another time.

Forster Pre Dawn


This picture does not really do it justice but the racks are endless...


Next fishing stop was Sydney where another AFO site member just happened to be for work. Well with work having slightly relaxed hours for this induvidual a dawn session was planned chasing some bream in inner Sydney harbour. I will put up a series of photo's showing the results. I only managed one fish which is on the other camera so ill wait to get it.







Its amazing what you find exploring under wharves (along with hobo beds and syringes).


Third fishing stop was a late season dig at a trout off the New England Highway on the trip home. Sadly this was unsuccessful but it opened my eyes to another piece of gods country and I will be back to explore sooner rather than later...




All in all not as many fish as hoped but what an awesome trip.



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Hahaha no mid cast. But I did see a couple of black snakes along that stretch.

I was also able to make the Tenterfield Anzac Day parade. Pretty awesome with the streets lined with what I imagine was every local in the sorrounding region. I swear the leader of the Light Horsemen was actually at the charge of Beersheeba!

Its great to see that although the true meaning of Easter seems to dwindle, the spirit of ANZAC day grows...


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I know I am very biased, but jeez NSW has some of the most beautiful country and great fishing. Pity you couldn't have spent more time in forster, would have love to have caught up for a fish with ya. Got onto a cpl of stonker bream out at the oyster racks. also donated almost $200 worth of lures to those racks! :(

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Enjoyed the report and photos. Thanks for sharing guys.

This is a very nice photo.

This was my Karate kid impression...

Yo yo: Yeah I heard about that mate but didnt realise it was going to be on.


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