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mooloolabah bream sesh on blades with hairtail als


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rico, matt and i headed up to mooloolabh to fish our normal bream spot. we got up their around 5.30, unpacked the car and headed out to our spot. we had just set up all our rods when an ice cold breeze hit me in the face from the sth. i promptly put on the wet weather gear and no sooner i had zipped up the zipper on the jacket and the heavens opened uo, but was coming nearly horizontal due to the high winds. we stood rain to our backs and waited it out.

45 mins passed and it eased guite abit, so i grabed my rod and went in serch of my p.b bream which will be hard to beat at 49cm.

so i flicked out and lifted and dropped the rod for around 2hrs and was loosing hope when bump,and hook. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it absaloutly smoked me as i was 3pnd cristal and 4pnd black magic leader and then pop, ran me around some pylons. so i wandered back to my bag and put a new leader on and a new 1/8 tt blade and headed back down. 10mins later bang zzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz wind zzzzzzzz ect and up comes a very nice 35cm bream, threw it back and kepted fishing. next cast got a wierd weight on thw line line i got weed on the lure so i gave it a promped whip of the rod to dislodge the weed and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of screems the reel but this time ran away from the pylons. after a 5 min battle i landed a 1m hairtail. i was over the moon as i had never got one and espically on a blade so i kept it as i heard they are very good eating. i carried on fishing and once again got smoked. over the period of the night till 12.00 we managed 14 bream over the 35cm mark and 7 hairtail and 9 blades lost to getting smoked and bitton off by hairtail.

i didnt beat my p.b but it is very early in the bream seasion, but all in all a very good trip. cheers for reading

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Prety busy session there MM. B)

I remember a couple of years ago PCsolutionman (lee) getting something like 86 bream there in a short plastics session. :woohoo: A pretty reliable spot for the breamers.

If they kept their shine the hairtail would make good mud guards for a bike when dried :lol:

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Prety busy session there MM. B)

I remember a couple of years ago PCsolutionman (lee) getting something like 86 bream there in a short plastics session. :woohoo: A pretty reliable spot for the breamers.

If they kept their shine the hairtail would make good mud guards for a bike when dried :lol:

yeh man my favourite spot for sure.

they are definatly bling :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I dont know how long it wil fish well for. I went for a flick last night and an asian family of about 20 were there pulling them in one after the other. One of the young fellas I was fishing near wandered off with about 30 in his bucket.

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From memory I think hairtail are in the mackerel family and are a fish not an eel. Funny how they appear in huge numbers in area they were rarely seen in then almost disappear again. They are very different when you know what they are but a lot of people that catch them also confuse them with pike eels.

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I dont know how long it wil fish well for. I went for a flick last night and an asian family of about 20 were there pulling them in one after the other. One of the young fellas I was fishing near wandered off with about 30 in his bucket.

that is so wronge grrrrrrrrrrr :angry::angry::angry:

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