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Your Thoughts on Illegal Boats Arriving in Aus ?


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Just been watchen the News and another boat of Asylum Seekers has been picked up ''once again'' off the coast of Australia. I also watched on TV an add that there is a guy in Sydney i think on some current affair saying that the Western Race is out Numberd and that soon Islam will be the way for all Australians soon. This is very worrying :unsure:

Has anyone else seen this ''Fool'' on TV ?

So i have 2 questions ?

1. Is there an answer to stop these boats arriving illegally into Australian waters ?

2. Will Islam take over the way of life as we know in Western Countries ?

Is there an easy answer to theres problems :S

I dont have a problem with Religion but i will not be forced into it by ''NO ONE'' :dry:

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here goes another $300 million in detention centres, so they can stay in 5 star motels, poor buggars i say. whats 10 000 asylum seekers in the bottom of the ocean. a bloody good start i reckon. these wads arent asylum seekers, it's a black market trade, the aust govt is just too bloody stupid to do anything about it, oh i shoud point out too, to bloody gutless also, piss weak pricks we have running this joint now, hmmmm.


and the greens should never have the power they have at the moment, so think long and hard when you people next vote. better the devil ya dont know it now seems !

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Interesting thread as its such a big issue at the moment, and a I reckon a lot of people will want to throw in their two bobs worth, including myself.

I think sadly what the media reports, and what is the truth, can be an entirely different thing ie: its very easy to omit a few details or highlight certain ones to sensationalize the story. What concerns me is how many of the irregular entrants are legitimate refugees and how many could better be described as 'economic migrants'? I am fully supportive of Australia offering a better life to opressed people etc, but pretty angry about people masquerading as refugees as a backdoor means of entry to Aus, potentially taking the place of people that deserve to be taken in. Surely this is why 80% of irregular entrants by boat are apprehended without any ID. Now you need ID to board a plane to Indo, why is this ID purposely destroyed in transit to Australia? Of a boatload of 150 people claiming to be Afghani, how many can actually speak Afghans? This is why it takes so long to process their claims, and needs to be realised by the Australian public.

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Someone's gotta drive the cabs.

Being able to navigate to Aus in one of those "boats" stands them in good stead for the job.

come on brian that's why we have kiwis here and to many anyway

:pinch: :pinch: :pinch: May I For say BRo We Comez ba planes now G, And No longerz ba boat...We LoVe our AuS pEoPlE very much to CuZ My AuS GG Bro Yo will AlWAys Be In my HeArT dassa ;) :woohoo: ;):P ALWAYS :evil: ;)

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here goes another $300 million in detention centres, so they can stay in 5 star motels, poor buggars i say. whats 10 000 asylum seekers in the bottom of the ocean. a bloody good start i reckon. these wads arent asylum seekers, it's a black market trade, the aust govt is just too bloody stupid to do anything about it, oh i shoud point out too, to bloody gutless also, piss weak pricks we have running this joint now, hmmmm.


and the greens should never have the power they have at the moment, so think long and hard when you people next vote. better the devil ya dont know it now seems !

Spot On Rob ;):)

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Too be honest, I have 2 very good friends that came over here by boat, and they are the hardest worker and have earned there money by not sitting around and crying about there situation, so im happy as long as they earn there place in this country.

There are people that do arrive by boat, even plane that wants to live in our Aus that are just living off our wellfair system, and i also have a friend that is like that.

I have a few rules for people comming here, 1:Leave your troubles back home, 2:try and be one of us, 3:must be able to speek english, -- even with the english statement,I have 2 friends from HK but have been living here since they were very young, and there english is shocking, however my wife speaks english better then me and i'm Ausy, as far as the older generation i can understand them not being able to speak english as its hard to learn how to do something after so many years, as long as they dont complain.

3:Stop buring the place down, if they do then send them home or to the big bin in the ocean.

This new deal the gov has of sending a heap of them to Malaysia is a great idea, I can garrantee that the malaysian gov wont be so kind to them if they step out of line, so thats going to scare alot of them.

Anyway thats my 2c

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if they come hear lajit, then i dont have a prob, if they come head illegaly send them straight bag. this asilem b.s angers me so much. if we were to do it i their country we would get sent straight back or worse. we just keep lettin them into our waters, why dont we send them a little message like if you come into our waters illegaly we will destroy your vessle with every one on it, and if the dont listen then do it, and you watch they will stop.

this villawood or what ever center it is where they set alight to their houses ect and got up on the roof and said we did this cause you didnt meet our demands and wont give us resadency,i say if we send them back.

we winge enough about traffic and land now,

why dont we spend more money on australia for australians who came hear legally or how about our poor war vets and seniors of this country who built what we call australia.

the australia government needs to get some balls and stop this b.s from happening or it will never stop.

this topic makes me mad :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Its really a hard one to say, for example ok i never used to feel sorry for homeless people, untill i spoke to a few of them and heard there story, once i understood why they are homeless,i got a better understanding, not all homeless people are there because they want to be there, they are there because they feel they have no other place to go, same with refugees, I can understand if they are comming from a war torn area and people are getting killed and raped infront of there own eyes,if they want to come here and start a new life, then yes im happy to accept them, but if its someone from a non war or non 3rd world country, then there is no way they should be allowed in,and should be sent back home. Boat people that come here and don't want to live a good life and respect what we have then sent those ones home, but when you get gen boat people like war and 3rd world then give them a chance, but as long as they help make things better and not worse, remember that there are alot of really bad Ausy here also.

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I remember starting at Bankstown Police station in the early 80s and there was a traslation of a local mullahs speech there from Special branch, in it it said, Muslims should all move to and reside in areas like cantebury become a strong community then seek power in local politics and council to organise there own schools, hospitals and religious places, This should be further advanced and muslims in State politics then onto federal Politics to further advance the Mulsim cause. It also said that in Australia the Afghans had been there many years and that Lambs flesh and women were plentiful, This mullah was eventually kicked out of the country

As far as boats arriving ....I paid 10 quid to get here and couldnt get social secuity B)maybe they should charge them an entry fee. The new idea with Malasia dosent add up to me, we give them one refugee and they give us back 5....maths wasnt my strong point but that seems downright stupid to me. I'm not against refugees coming to the country we have a responsibility to do this but it needs a big rethink how to it properly :dry: The latest poll found that 85% of refugees were on social welfare 5 years after arriving here....Blame the pollies not the refugees

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This is a great forum, and we all have a common interest in fishing. Opinions are like arseholes......everyone has one. I agree with tugger and think we should keep the topics on fishing only, not politics. Everyone has different thoughts on this and other matters, lets just talk fishing fellas, you know what they say about talking about politics and religion....... ;)

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this villawood or what ever center it is where they set alight to their houses ect and got up on the roof and said we did this cause you didnt meet our demands and wont give us resadency,i say if we send them back.

Definitely agree with this, they are trying to bring in legislation (i believe) that will essentially deny all asylum seekers refuge if the commit any sort of misdemeanour whilst in aus

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