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breakky creek 08.05.11


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after a hard day of work i felt like going for a fish. gave my mate (minhkore) a ring and off we go. got to breakky creek around 7 and started cast netting. got a good 20 prawns. withing 15mins after casting my line out, my rod goes off ZzZZzzZz. after a good fight i landed the first fish of the night and boy it was a good one. 74cm flatty. around 30mins later i landed the next with a 55cm threaddy. my mate was still waiting his turn. 20mins after that threaddy i landed a 35cm snapper. and soon after a 30cm jew. we were about to pack up and go home then my friends rod goes offf! after a good 2mins he landed a 50cm jew which saved him from a donut. we stayed for about 3hrs. was a very good night and stroke about the flatty.

thanks for reading







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awsome flattie! great sesh . I know you like getting down to the seaway a bit was wondering have you or do you know of any threadies getting caught down here at all?

i have never seen or heard of any threaddys down the seaway.

flatty was great fun on my 2-4 set up

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Damn man.... that is one monster flatty. And the others are a great catch too. Looks like a bit of fun. I was toying with the idea of heading out last night too, but decided to have a couple of beers instead.... kindda regretting that idea now. :blush:

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