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Fish first , Dr's second.


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Had to go to the Dr's today to get scans and x rays done on the left shoulder after doing some kind of damage earlier in the week. :angry:

Any wany, had an hour and a bit to kill before my appointment so i ducked down to my local creek a spot I haven't fished for a while. Tied on the ever faithfull green camo atomic, 3 rd cast, whack up come a nice 26cm bass.


No more interest in that hole, so I moved down to the next one, went very quiet and was almost time to go, so I headed back.

I was almost at the car when I thought ah, I'll just have a quick throw at the old pylons.

Cast out, give a good twitch to get the lure down and BANG, of goes the drag, wrapped around a pylon, managed to get him out, then he shot into the weeds, pulled him out of that and up come a 42cm fish.

Pretty happy with that for a 1 hour fish.


That atomic sure does the trick :lol: :woohoo:

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;) Nice work Bill... Now about your shoulder you have enf kids so go easy man :woohoo: dont over do it your an old man now :lol::lol:;):):P Your not as young as me BRO :evil: :lol::lol:
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;) Nice work Bill... Now about your shoulder you have enf kids so go easy man :woohoo: dont over do it your an old man now :lol::lol:;):):P Your not as young as me BRO :evil: :lol::lol:

:lol::lol::lol: , maybe so But I'm sure as hell much better looking. :P :ohmy: :lol::lol:

I should be right after a few weeks, just can't catch anything too big. :lol:

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;) Nice work Bill... Now about your shoulder you have enf kids so go easy man :woohoo: dont over do it your an old man now :lol::lol:;):):P Your not as young as me BRO :evil: :lol::lol:

:lol::lol::lol: , maybe so But I'm sure as hell much better looking. :P :ohmy: :lol::lol:

I should be right after a few weeks, just can't catch anything too big. :lol:

ohhhhhhhhh dreammm on :sick: :lol::lol:

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