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Facebook,Twitter etc?????????


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Dont want to clog up the other post but need to ask some questions.

What do these sites actually do and how do they work?

Are they really worthwhile?

I joined facebook last year and quicklky opted out because it seemed to grab my email adress book and I got a heap of emails purporting to be from my contacts who wanted to be my friend.

If i accepted I then used to get an email everytime that they posted something .

I am not interested if someone changes their undies.

Does this still happen or can you stop it?

Is twitter different or the same thing with a different name?

If i want to share photos or info I send an email why is facebook different?

Maybe I am too old?



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Dont want to clog up the other post but need to ask some questions.

What do these sites actually do and how do they work?

Are they really worthwhile?

I joined facebook last year and quicklky opted out because it seemed to grab my email adress book and I got a heap of emails purporting to be from my contacts who wanted to be my friend.

If i accepted I then used to get an email everytime that they posted something .

I am not interested if someone changes their undies.

Does this still happen or can you stop it?

Is twitter different or the same thing with a different name?

If i want to share photos or info I send an email why is facebook different?

Maybe I am too old?




I think Facebook is extremely invasive to be honest. I am pretty computer literate but i find it hard to get away from all of the crap you refer to.

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Ray I think facebook as I have stated before facebook is for people WHO NEED to get a LIFE.I work with people that can't function with out it I don't see the need to know that someone has just been for a dump and I don't deal with twits either

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Love hate relationship...I really don't like facebook, but it's a good way to keep in contact with people, network, share events/photos. There's a lot of privacy settings you can play with so you don't have to share all of your information with everyone. I'm sure they're pretty easy to get around, but its good enough for the average joe. There are a lot of privacy concerns from the corporation itself, but I can't see that I'd be important enough to keep tabs on.

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There's also settings that you uncheck so that you don't get emailed/notified every time someone you know does something.

I like it to keep up with friends interstate, overseas etc and there's lots of pages I "like" to be kept up to date on news from companies and interest pages. I have it on my phone so it's easy to check up on things like news from AFO and their sponsors as well as my favourite gear manufacturers all in one place when I've got 5 mins to kill.

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The social icons you see under a post (Facebook Like, Facebook Share, Twitter, ReTweet) are so that users if they choose can share a AFO page with their friends or followers on Facebook or Twitter.

This does not affect the AFO site in anyway and if you are a not signed up to these sites then it does not affect you and you can use AFO as normal. These social buttons are standard practice on the internet nowadays and you will be hard pressed to find a website that does not have these features as it is essential for alot of these sites for survival.

AFO have now incorporated these buttons to give these requested features to the AFO community and as such gives AFO the opportunity to be shared easily by members if they want to.

On a side note, if you are unaware of Facebook, it has some very extensive privacy settings which you can control how much information you allow to be shown/shared. Those that believe Facebook is too intrusive probably are not aware of these settings and probably have not configured them.

AFO as well as quite extensive privacy settings which you can find in your Edit Profile area which allows you to set who you allow to see your profile information.

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Ray I think facebook as I have stated before facebook is for people WHO NEED to get a LIFE.I work with people that can't function with out it I don't see the need to know that someone has just been for a dump and I don't deal with twits either

face book is for people who need to get a life?????????????????????????????

please explain

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What do these sites actually do and how do they work?

Are they really worthwhile?

Connect people, Yes they work (Facebook has something like 400 million users+ is proof)

I joined facebook last year and quickly opted out because it seemed to grab my email adress book and I got a heap of emails purporting to be from my contacts who wanted to be my friend.

I am not sure what exactly you did, but Facebook makes it easy to make contact with people and then you can accept them as a friend if they are legitimate.

If i accepted I then used to get an email everytime that they posted something.

There are extensive privacy settings you can configure so if you received unwanted messages or emails you can easily configure it so that you don't.

I am not interested if someone changes their undies.

All depends on what you want to get out of these sites. You can change the privacy and also the nofication settings so that you dont receive any messages or emails if you like. Some people like to be kept 'up to date' with their friend's movements.

Does this still happen or can you stop it?

It is just a matter of configuring the site to how you want it to work

Is twitter different or the same thing with a different name?
Twitter is different. It is purely a short notification system to make it easy for businesses and people to know about things. Facebook is more for friends if you like
If i want to share photos or info I send an email why is facebook different?

Facebook allows you to share things with many people at once. You don't have to remember email addresses for all your friends or send huge file attachments. Facebook stores photos, videos etc on its site for your friends to view at their leisure.

Maybe I am too old?

Never too old. You are the most thanked person on AFO :)

Hope this helps a little

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I have a facebook account like many of my friends, but its pretty tightly controlled and does not share much info at all unless I want it to.

Its a convenient way to share information, catch up with overseas rellies, plan events etc. but has 1000 other features I have no interest in.

My mum also has an account and she is getting the hang of it and likes the idea of seeing her Grandkids photos on there when my sister posts them on there from Sydney.

I have unchecked almost every notification box available on Facebook, and therefore I cannot remember the last time I got an email from them about something. Its all about setting it the way you want it and making it work for you.

If you like I can spend a little bit of time and set up your facebook account pretty tight for you with a few step by step emails and have you up and running in no time. We just need to plan an evening when both are online.

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I find it interesting when people say that facebook is useless and for people with no real friends :) I'd say you actually have a very small circle of friends.

If you have no people that you would like to keep in contact with that you don't already on a face to face, phone or email basis then facebook is not relevant or usefull to you.

I've got a lot of people from high school, primary school, my 4 month stint in the US, people from work, ex people from work, Ex's, fishing people random extensions of friends and random people I've met added as my list of friends. They may not be the people that I'd necessarily call to go out for drinks or hang out with 1 on 1, but I still have some interest in how they are going.

There is a lot of control around what you can and can't view, and what others can and can't view in your profile.

I think a lot of people forget that the control is in their own hands. Worried about people seeing your personal info?? remove the people you don't want, hide the info or put in false info.

I don't add most of the people I work with because I don't like having some of my sick days fishing published to work people :)

It comes down to how you choose to control it and use it.

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I use facebook, its great to get home from a party or event and find photos up within a few hours (sometimes not so great too :whistle: ) sure, they would probably give my information to ASIO or the CIA but i dont care, I have nothing to hide!

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love facebook. being an immigrant from a country going through hardtimes, all my school mates and family are scattered with the wind around the world and facebook allows us to keep in touch.

plus the business side of things for me is pretty important. If facebook were a country they would be the 3rd most populous in the world.

off to update my status

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I am not interested if someone changes their undies.

All depends on what you want to get out of these sites. You can change the privacy and also the nofication settings so that you dont receive any messages or emails if you like. Some people like to be kept 'up to date' with their friend's movements.

haha....I noticed that Becky has been at the house warming for a long time.... :P

Question: re the Share button. If someone clicks a share button in one of my posts, are their non-AFO-member friends able to view that ?

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Question: re the Share button. If someone clicks a share button in one of my posts, are their non-AFO-member friends able to view that ?

No, they can view the url address but when they click on it, they will need to be a AFO member to view it on the AFO forum

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Ray I think facebook as I have stated before facebook is for people WHO NEED to get a LIFE.I work with people that can't function with out it I don't see the need to know that someone has just been for a dump and I don't deal with twits either
many would say the same to u about spending so much time on a fishing website. If u don't like it dont use it. If u do them go ahead. I personally like it even though some of my mates talk too much shite on it.
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Ray I think facebook as I have stated before facebook is for people WHO NEED to get a LIFE.I work with people that can't function with out it I don't see the need to know that someone has just been for a dump and I don't deal with twits either

face book is for people who need to get a life?????????????????????????????

please explain

I think he probably is referring to those who are on it 24/7 (addicted to it) like the people he referred to from his work.

The way I've been addicted to AFO (which I feel is basically 'Fisherman's Facebook') for the last year or so my wife probably thinks I need to get a life!!!!!!!!

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facebook is not safe. If you want to use it have one computer in the house dedicated to facebook only. It is a hackers, scammers, virus's paradise. If you use it, do not click on anything apart from adding a comment to your known personal friends comment. Never click the "like" button, never click on a "cause", never click on a "game" the list is endless. If you use it, don't click! I enjoy fixing computers that have been contaminated with facebooks corrupted programmes. I send fb lots of abuse due to their breaches. The sites owners don't even know who own it, they keep sueing eachother instead of caring about our security.

Try this...in your search engine, commonly google, type something like "how to hack facebook" or even words like "worm", "trojan", etc etc. You soon discover that there is a billion pimple faced gits out there attacking your system...then there's the uni students, etc....It is not safe.

Don't get me wrong, the idea with the site is good, but security fails big time. I enjoy f/b but I recently cancelled my account again. They are well informed that if I sign up a 3rd time and things go wrong I will take them fishing...they might not return but I will take them, lol.

Speaking of fishing....why am I on this silly computer? I should be out there!

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