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borumba report by sharklady


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Well it all started when I got woken up at 5.15 to the smell of bacon and eggs and a light voice saying bub, bub, wake up bub, breckie is ready. Mmmmmmmmm bacon and eggs for breaky, you cant beat that. I ate them while they were still hot as it was extremely cold. After I had done the morning duties, I ruged up as I new it was going to be cold in the boat so I put on tights, trackies and ugg boots on my bottom half and the top, shirt , jumper, a big jacket and a beanie ( mmmmmmmmmm toastie and warm ).

We were on the water heading across the dam around 5.45 absaloutly freezing cold and could feel my lips drying out ( grrrrrrrr ) but none the less was a beautiful morning with lots of fog around and plenty of wild life around. ( best thing about being on the dam first )

We had fished this dam quite a few times before so we knew where to start first.by first cast was with a 1/8 shartruse ( fluro yello ) switch blade hard up against a tree with lantarna growing all over it that was in the water, and as I slowly rolled the lure out it got gobbled up,zzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz and a quick battle and up came a little bass around the 22cm mark. About 45 mins and a lure change later to a 1/2oz TT pupkinseen with shartruse tail I threw it at some lilies and just as I rolled it out of the lilies, bang, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ‘’pop’’ straight around a log and lost what I think would have been a mary cod.

Anyway a long story cut short we had an awsom weekend out on the water with plenty of fish caught, not all big but good fun. It started of very very very slow with Saturday morning only producing 3 bass, but I changed that arvo.

Thanks ted for orinising the trip.

I am posting a lot of photos. Try and reframe yourself from commenting till I am done

Cheers ash MWAH








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Those bacon and eggs smelt better than they sound.

It was a pretty cruel trick to play on your neighbors,especially when we only had crumpets for brekky,lol

haha sorry man!

lol and thanks for letting us use ur light! lol someone forgot the table!!! :huh:

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Those bacon and eggs smelt better than they sound.

It was a pretty cruel trick to play on your neighbors,especially when we only had crumpets for brekky,lol

haha sorry man!

lol and thanks for letting us use ur light! lol someone forgot the table!!! :huh:

lol,its hard to find a good decky these days.

At least you kicked his ass out in the boat :P:P:P

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Those bacon and eggs smelt better than they sound.

It was a pretty cruel trick to play on your neighbors,especially when we only had crumpets for brekky,lol

haha sorry man!

lol and thanks for letting us use ur light! lol someone forgot the table!!! :huh:

lol,its hard to find a good decky these days.

At least you kicked his ass out in the boat :P:P:P

ahahahah that is for sure! lol even with me falling asleep several times!

now that ssaying something right ;););)

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