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Angry whales, flying sharks and nursery rhymes.


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Headed out to Boat Rock with Tugger yesterday to try for some snaps.

It was a tough day with the swell and chop just up enough to make footing a little tricky.

I had a bad start as well arriving a servo at 4:30am just far enough away from home to negate heading back. Headed up to the counter with the obligatory sasuage roll, red bull and bottle of water. Reached into my pocket and fancy that, no wallet.

Out on the water my luck didnt improve. Dozens of fish landed but they were mostly 20cm squire, undersize wrasse and scorpion cod. Landed one decent trevally (about 45cm) that at least gave me some stick. This trevally was converted into a live bait which was then converted into a flying shark about 2 1/2 meters long :P. No joke this shark hit the bait getting very air born and then biting through on its return to a wetter environment.

At the very end of the trip, after Tugger had regailed us all day with his near death experience with a whale the day before we heard a god aweful "thump" behind the boat. All seemed well until the boat started pivoting and move off in a northerly direction. After a few shaky moments the whale came off the anchor rope and did a big tale whack.

Tugger did manage one nice spangled for the day:


And these were the conditions coming home past peel. Sensational weather I hope someone took advantage of it!


Thanks again Tugger and good to meet you Lindsay.


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thats why when it comes down to it they call it fishing and not catching. i love it when noas take to the air, their no bigger rush than knowing you are attached to the 100kg+ flying shark. what a great pic of the bay, looks to be no wind and a beautiful glassed out day

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Nice boys, i was out w/ Outlaw charters yesterday trying for some kingies/aj but no luck. i got bricked on the 3rd drop and it was dead after that so spent the rest of teh day chasing snaps.

Best was a low 70s model, 2 x 40s and a couple barely legal oh and 1 pearlie haha - very tuogh day

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Nice boys, i was out w/ Outlaw charters yesterday trying for some kingies/aj but no luck. i got bricked on the 3rd drop and it was dead after that so spent the rest of teh day chasing snaps.

Best was a low 70s model, 2 x 40s and a couple barely legal oh and 1 pearlie haha - very tuogh day

As they say 'No run, No Fun' wasn't until late in the day that their was any current, so even though the barometer was high and the planets were aligned t'was a day to enjoy being on the water and not for stretching the shoulders.

Could be worse, Could have been working. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Thanks fellas for coming it was a tuff day in the office with only 1 good snapper, 3 big moses perch, 2 tuskies and a large mongrel spangeled emporor with loads of little ones from the nursery. We had 2 live trevally hit with 1 being the leaping shark the other a posible kingie with it running hard for 30m thereabouts before it shook the hook. The whales were everywhere surfacing near us many times as well as leaping right out of the water close by until 1 decided to bump into the anchor rope again. I will have to have a wooden leg made up soon if this keeps going on

aaaarrrggghhh me hearties

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Yeah that shot of the bay looks terrific, typical weekday weather. At least you got a few fish also were you throwing plastics or is Tugger's boat a bait only affair.

Wash your mouth out with soap Mark - Tuggs boat is a mono line, bait boat. Plastics and braid are scowled upon.

Like Straddiebrad said Cheryl must have been pleased with the Spangly.

What's the plan Tugg you can't let all those fish get away from you, what we need here is a Japanese 'Researcher' to advise on the right tackle and it'll be whale stakes for everyone Flintstone style.

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