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How Safe Is Fluoride In Our Drinking Water ?


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Hi guys I have been in Thailand for just under 1 month and arrived back 5 days ago, I have noticed when i shower or wash my face with the tap water it smells of Chlorine. I have been asking my self how safe is it to drink QLD water as i believe they have added Fluoride to our drinking water now.

So if anyone could answer my questions, why dose it smell so strong our drinking water of Chlorine and why have they added Fluoride to our drinking water ?

Before i left New Zealand 5 years ago we did ''Not'' have Fluoride in our drinking water, so why has QLD added this to theres ? ''I believe this is a poison'' ?

Anyway I drink bottled water and never tap water as im worried it might damage my health :dry:

Your thoughts would be great ;)



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There will be a mass death like in Jones Town at 7pm tonight....You have found out too late. :P :silly: :silly: :silly:

They've had flouride in the water in NSW for many years. They have better teeth apparently - that is the purpose of putting it in the water.

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Googled and found this......

While fluoride is banned in Sweden, Denmark and Holland and abandoned in Belgium and West Germany it is still used in the US, Australia, New Zealand andthe UK. While fluoride is meant to help prevent tooth decay it is interesting to note that the US has among the highest rates of dental decay in the world.

The consumption of refined sugar seems to play a much greater role in whether we get dental decay or not. Many native tribes studied by the likes of Dr Weston Price had little or no dental decay and none had fluoride.

The idea of adding fluoride to water supplies arose in the USA in 1939. Its main proponent was Dr Gerald Fox of the Mellon Institute, owners of Alcoa Aluminium. Fluoride is a waste product of the aluminium industry. The Mellon Institutes research found that fluoride in drinking water strengthened tooth enamel making it more resistant to decay. Like much industry funded research, the results are predictable when you follow the money.

According to Steve Meyerowitz book “Water the Ultimate cure†independent studies have shown that fluoride is implicated in:

• Skin eruptions

• Gastric distress

• Immune System problems

• Downs Syndrome (genetic damage)

• Breakdown of collagen protein

• Heart problems

• Headache

In their book Fluoride the great dilemma Drs Waldbott, Burgstahler and McJinney add to the list

• Cancer

• Hypothyroidism

• Kidney disease

• Hypoglycaemia

• Hormonal imbalance

• Lowered enzyme activity

• Reduced fertility

• Birth defects

• Osteoporosis (skeletal flourosis)

• And would you believe it damaging children’s teeth (dental fluorosis)

Other uses for fluoride include

• Rat poison

• Pesticides

• Deworming pigs

• Delousing chickens

I think you may be getting the picture by now. Why take the risk of ingesting fluoride if you can improve your dental health by good dental hygiene and not consuming refined sugar?

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i got feeling they superdose the chlorine on a friday to cover the weekends ,

When we lived at manly and were on Brsbane cty water i noticed the stronger chlorine smell on a saturday morning when i got home from night shifts .

Moved back to the redlands were i grew up and have never had any chlorine smell

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I must admit fluoride is a concern to me,since its introduction into our drinking water, I`ve wondered whether it works with or against the herbicides, insecticides and other cides they spray on our fruit and veges. :dry:

I`ve also wondered if the fluoride equals out the additives,preservatives and other ives, along with the artificial colourings and artificial flavourings that are added into nearly every other edible product we consume. :unsure:

The governments tell us that it is, all in safe levels and consumption of these things is not a health concern. I believe them,why would they lie to us. :)

I used to think all the new types of cancers and allergies that have reared their ugly heads since the 70s`may have, had a connection with, how and with what our food is grown and processed,untill I realised that it is all to do with climate change and CO2,and that the Carbon Tax will fix everything. :whistle:

So kb..don`t worry about the water,the local authorities say they treat it after the fish have peed and pooed in it, and thats after they pull the carcasses of the dead matter out. :lol:

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you brush your teeth dont you ? theres flouride in toothpaste and ya been doin that for years no doubt...... honestly if there was a problem with the water in aust. id be a sick man... ive been drinking it for 40 yrs and and ive drunk it in most states (and overseas too ).... it all tastes the same and it aint gonna harm you.........but flouride is added to water make it taste that little better and for our teeth .... tap or bottle its the same

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One advantage of living in samford is the tank water - can't stand that chemical soup anymore :P

I know what you mean Jords, back in NZ we lived on a farm and had 2 tanks. Theres nothing like fresh rain water thats chemical free. In saying that we still used a purifier to filter out the dirt but still the taste was 100% better then city water :)



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One advantage of living in samford is the tank water - can't stand that chemical soup anymore :P

I know what you mean Jords, back in NZ we lived on a farm and had 2 tanks. Theres nothing like fresh rain water thats chemical free. In saying that we still used a purifier to filter out the dirt but still the taste was 100% better then city water :)



Fresh rain water that collects on chemical and poluted roof tops then into your tanks, yum.

Drink beer

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Water that you drink in QLD is both chlorinated and has flouride added. The chlorine is a minute amount to ensure no bacteria growth in the transfer from dam to tap and flouride was added not so long ago apparently for the promotion of healthy teeth in children. We had flouride in the water in NSW for as long as I can remember and it it it it hasnt done me any harm :silly: :silly:

And as someone else said, flouride is a component in toothpaste and is brushed and polished on to your teeth if and when you go to the dentist.

if they have better teeth, why is the #1 blue on this site (dassa) missing so many :unsure: and don't believe that story about a football injury

Tomca - with comments like that you wont need to worry about flouride or a toothbrush much longer either...... :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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One advantage of living in samford is the tank water - can't stand that chemical soup anymore :P

I know what you mean Jords, back in NZ we lived on a farm and had 2 tanks. Theres nothing like fresh rain water thats chemical free. In saying that we still used a purifier to filter out the dirt but still the taste was 100% better then city water :)



Fresh rain water that collects on chemical and poluted roof tops then into your tanks, yum.

Drink beer

I have to agree with Shortie here... Bat/bird/gecko/mouse/snake poo/pee, decaying animals (ie possums/frogs/toads) etc in farm water tanks. You had to use a filter and/or purifier for it to be drinkable yeh. Why not just add a filter/purifer to your house tap - gonna be better then farm-tank water.

Then u can always say well, whattabout all the land runoff from cows and people weeing in the dam - this is another reason why they add the chemicals - yet in a farm u wouldnt use chemicals and rely just on the filter.

I personally would choose treated water run through a filter/purifier (at house level) than dirty water from a tank (which only has a filter/purifier attached).

Just my opinion



P.S. Beer is my water :P :P :)

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Ahh good to see bro.. I wasnt sure if u made it or not due to that crap u had before the trip.

Im glad u recovered in time, was a bit close.

So now.... the question is - do u need to have any extra shots to fix the stuff u caught while being over there??? :whistle: :P :ohmy:


LOL. I don't think i'd be too worried about the water here - especially after the places u "visited"



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Ahh good to see bro.. I wasnt sure if u made it or not due to that crap u had before the trip.

Im glad u recovered in time, was a bit close.

So now.... the question is - do u need to have any extra shots to fix the stuff u caught while being over there??? :whistle: :P :ohmy:


LOL. I don't think i'd be too worried about the water here - especially after the places u "visited"



Hahah Thanks Glenn, i have had my fair share of needles being in ''Hospital'' yep the water in Thailand is very bad, and the smell :pinch: 'BAD'

All good now :)



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Antifluoridationists who cite actual scientific studies are often found to be biased, using selective citation, rather than systematically reviewing all the available evidence. (Spencer 1998[ a comprehensive rebuttal of Diesendorf which Kiwiboys' references quote by the way]) Because of the diverse range of reasons that various antifluoridation individuals and groups have cited for opposing fluoridation, it would be impossible to address every single one of them, though the most common and less irrational arguments include a) that fluoride may be harmful or poisonous. B) that the benefits of fluoridation are insignificant or unproven, and c) that governmental fortification of drinking water with fluoride is a kind of mass medication which infringes upon an individuals freedom of choice.

I guess scientists just can't be trusted. We should listen to our shock-jocks 'cause they're the real deal :)


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Antifluoridationists who cite actual scientific studies are often found to be biased, using selective citation, rather than systematically reviewing all the available evidence. (Spencer 1998[ a comprehensive rebuttal of Diesendorf which Kiwiboys' references quote by the way]) Because of the diverse range of reasons that various antifluoridation individuals and groups have cited for opposing fluoridation, it would be impossible to address every single one of them, though the most common and less irrational arguments include a) that fluoride may be harmful or poisonous. B) that the benefits of fluoridation are insignificant or unproven, and c) that governmental fortification of drinking water with fluoride is a kind of mass medication which infringes upon an individuals freedom of choice.

I guess scientists just can't be trusted. We should listen to our shock-jocks 'cause they're the real deal :)


depends who is supplying the $$$$$ for funding their research. ;)

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Maybe I am a cynical old fart but my motto now is if in doubt dont.


Some of my life experiences.

Fumes from charging of battery banks are safe.( Only if you dont breathe }

Carbon tetrachloride is harmless.( only if you dont breathe or let it touch your skin)

Lead fumes are safe to breathe but wash your hands after handling it.

Asbestos is safe.

Electromagnetic radiation is safe ( Why did most PMG/ABC radio transmitter techs only have girl babies and now have twice the national average of lymphatic cancers)

Smoking wont hurt you.

the list goes on.

It is easy to get someone to critique and debunk research and then you have to get someone else to do the same to the person who did the critique.

In the end it is usually the next generation who suffers and the lawyers get richer.

My opinion get your kids to clean their teeth and don't feed them high sugar soft drinks or high acid fruit juices.

If you believe that fluoride works use fluoride tooth paste or use fluoride tablets

My rant for the day



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I agree with your thinking Ray. If you want or don't want fuoride it should be your own call and not forced upon you. However I think the results are in on fluoride from the extensive use since the 1930's/1940's, so I don't care if I drink some.....except if they make a mistake again and put too much in like they did just after it started in Qld :pinch:

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"However I think the results are in on fluoride from the extensive use since the 1930's/1940's,"

The asbestos industry had documented research dating back from th 1870,s that they kept suppressed and they funded dodgy research that supposedly said it was safe to use.

My union ( Postal Technicians ASSN} were the pariahs of the trade union movement when we began the fight to have its use banned in the early 1960,s.

I remain skeptical.



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