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To paint or not to paint


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I'm just about to the stage of making the decision whether to paint the outside of the 6 m tinny I have been building over the last few months or not, and was just wondering what other peoples ideas are on this.

As I am yet to see a paint job on a alley boat go the distance.

Cheers Martin

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Hi Martin,

Paint only above the chine line. Paint works well but preparation is key. Two Pack is the only option with correct etch primer then undercoat in application.

I can recommend this product. Norglas is aussie made with people WHO WILL speak to you on the phone for advice. I spoke to these guys a few times during my build. I painted my timber racing yacht which I finish in 2008 and still is perfect today. I have sold it but the new owner has only had to recoat the tip of the steel centreboard, (big blue thing in the pics)

To check it out

Norglas how to website

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I wouldn't paint. Prefer to have a low to no maintenance utilitarian fishing boat.

Even with a factory paint job as in the case of my boat, after 5 or so years there will be always problems with paint bubbling in some areas around fixings. e.g electrolytic corrosion between stainless screws and aluminium. Duralac will greatly minimise this but not completely eliminate it.

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I wouldn't paint. Prefer to have a low to no maintenance utilitarian fishing boat.

Even with a factory paint job as in the case of my boat, after 5 or so years there will be always problems with paint bubbling in some areas around fixings. e.g electrolytic corrosion between stainless screws and aluminium. Duralac will greatly minimise this but not completely eliminate it.

im with dom, one day id love to get a big platey custom built and if and when i do i will not be wasting money on a paint job.

big dirty stinking fishing tinny! :woohoo:

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Depends how fastidious you are going ton be using it.if you wish to maintain it as new there is a lot of work involved. You also sh!t blue chips and razor blades every time you launch or retrieve in choppy/windy conditions. Chips from lures and sinkers and the list goes on.

My thoughts


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Thanks guys for the replies, have decided to leave it unpainted as in the past I have always believed boats are for fishing and to be user friendly not something to look pretty.

I would sooner spend the extra time fishing then fussing over a boat's paint job

You want to see the one I use now took me years to wear the paint off it. lol

I'll post some photos when I get the new one finished.

Cheers Martin

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It lasts for years if the boats prepped properly right from the beginning.

We did a commercial Trap and Line boat many years ago and she still looked good about 6 years later which is the last time I seen her.

That boat was permanently moored and copped a flogging over the years.

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there is a cheap option, 3m etch primer, but orby sand the areas to be painted first. then i used 3m engine enamel . 40 dollar paint job that i wont cry if i scratch it :lol: plus easy fix scratches with quick spray

Ha thats awesome!!!! i was thinking about doing my tinny as well. but thought it would be way to much work.. but your looks great, cheap and easy!

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