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My Girls blooding their new rods.


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G'day all,

Had a bit of a mixed up day yesterday, with the eldest going into hospital at O'Dark hundred with asthma, and subsequently being released later that day. Anyway, I had promised to get them a new rod each recently, and came good with the promise after work, with a quick trip to BCF. The end result were a pair of rods (Green and purple) that were a bit shorter so the kids could handle them a bit easier.

So after the purchases, we took off down to Bulimba, armed with the new sticks and a packet of prawns, and settled in for a fish.


There were pickers from the start, but nothing worth noting, and the girls actually stayed mostly with the rods, putting in some decent time actually fishing, as opposed to playing. After it got a bit darker, Olivia's rod started showing some rythmic jolts that didn't seem to go away, so she reeled it in to find this fella on the end..... :P


Apologies for the photo, the better one won't upload for some reason.

It was a pretty good feeling, seeing the look on Livi's face once she had it up on the grass....Priceless actually, and the look of panic when it started squirming around for the photo was a bit of a kicker as well..... :woohoo:

I called it a knot eel? Not to sure about its proper name, but the girls seemed to accept it lol :cheer:

At this stage, Miranda still hadn't gotten a fish, although the bait was regularly hit, so with a bit of patience, she sat down beside me, and the next time we got a hit, we struck. With one false alarm (the fish spitting the hook), we then managed to get onto one, and soon enough, she had reeled in this one...... :woohoo:


It took me three years to land one of these, and Miranda managed to do it in the space of seven sessions or so..... :PB)

I took my rods down for a flick as well, but gave it a miss, as the girls were having a lot of fun, and it was well worth missing out so they could have a decent crack at blooding their new sticks.

Cheers, and thanks for reading,


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