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Lake Dennis NO FISHING.


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Following the controversy re my previous post I have had verbal confirmation from a Logan Council Ranger that fishing is definitely not allowed in Lake Dennis at Daisy Hill.

I have asked mods to delete the post.

Had quite a yarn with the ranger and apparently has been a bit of controversy with the ban with some residents for and some against but the scales were finally tipped after a few yobbo parties and the death of birds due to line entanglements.

The ranger said it was not Council policy to publicize the no fishing lakes on their website as it may encourage people to fish in these spots.

He said that the only other spot where fishing is not allowed that he can recall is the Beenleigh ponds and if there is no signage at a location you are allowed to fish there.

Apologies for the previous post.



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...Had quite a yarn with the ranger and apparently has been a bit of controversy with the ban with some residents for and some against but the scales were finally tipped after a few yobbo parties and the death of birds due to line entanglements.


another example of the responsible 95% of people being regulated because of the actions of the "I don`t give a damn about my actions,I`ll go & do what I like" 5%. :angry:

also a good reason to discourage any who may want to add to the 5% numbers

Thanks for the update Ray :)

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