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Gettin fresh with Kiwi 2/10/2011


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A short report and a few pics from today's session at a creek somewhere ;)

We tried some new water early in the day but the wind chased us back to a more familiar and protected location. Kiwi guaranteed me a bass and within a few casts at his favorite snag we were both hooked up and smiling. We settled into a hot bite for a while and got our dose of bass buzz for the day.

I used 3 lures over the course of the day, and all 3 caught fish, but the spinnerbait was the most successful. Kiwi was throwing little hardbody lures and having a ball catching fish big and small.

I scored a tagged fish today which was a first for me.

As they are well known and loved for, all the Bass today hit hard and fought dirty with sizes ranging from 20cm to 40cm+ :cheer:

It was the first time I've taken the new Hobie (Revo) into the fresh and I reckon I'll be looking for a cheap paddle yak if I'm to do much more skinny water fishing as the revo just isn't designed for lugging over shallow rock bars and hefting thru goat tracks for bank launches

Big thanks to Kiwi for taking me to this little piece of bass heaven, much appreciated.

Here's the pics as promised.









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Well done Rocket!! I was wondering if you got out as I woke early to hear the wind howling out in the western suburbs.

Awesome session well done.

I must agree the Revo is pretty hefty to lug around but I would miss my peddles to much. We copped quite a bit of wind on Saturday arvo and I was glad I had my peddles where my mate got blown all over the place. Saying that though if your doing very skinny water you don't need em.

I been thinking about getting the missus a sport or an outback.

Chat soon


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Nice work gents... Good to see Kiwi is still alive, I haven't heard from him for a while.

Some good pics there as well Rocket.

Might be looking for a deckie for the BRC if you're keen!!!


thanks Freshy, yeh Kiwi's been quietly hooking into them of late...sneaky bugger :silly:

thanks for the BRC offer mate, I've not made plans as yet, but I am keen to get stuck into it as always :)

Keep me in the loop and we'll make plans closer to the day?


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