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First Jack for the season.


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Hey all,

Went for a quick sesh early this morning. Plan was to head down the Goldy and chase jacks for a few hours. I woke up around 3:30am to the sound of rain.. :blush: Wasnt the best feeling.. Probably should have checked the forcecast before hand I thought. Oh well, boat was rigged and everything was ready to go. So why not? Then I looked at the radar and saw this..


Hmm, looked pretty shite. But it was moving through and there wasnt much coming after so I just decided to head off after much umming and arring and almost turning around when I got on the road.. :unsure:

Got to some canals I was planning on fishing and started throwing around some hardbodies tight to structure hoping to pick up some jacks. It was quiet early, still raining a bit and quite chilly so I wasnt really expecting much. Got a few little bream but it was very slow.

Decided to downsize my gear and went to a 60mm hardbody and 6lb leader. A bit light for jacks but at this stage I was willing to lose a lure just to get a bite! :lol:

The rain cleared and there was a fair bit of bait movement around the place. Sure enough I managed to get a little jack. Didnt fight too hard, probably a bit lazy with the cold water temp. I didnt mind, into the boat and my first jack for the season! Nothing huge but it was a start!



I persisted a little while longer, missed another fish which im suspecting as a smaller jack. Also got a heap of bream which kept me interested when things were quiet.

Ended up being an alright little session. Prospected a few new areas that I reckon will produce a few more jacks this summer- Stay tuned!


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Thanks Youngy, suprisingly it didn't fight too hard for its size. When I hooked it I called it for a little cod. I was stoked when it turned out to be a jack!

I think once the weather warms up a bit, they will become more active and more aggressive!

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