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Destroying Some Local Bass


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Decided to chase some local bass this afternoon (it's been too long) and test out the new destroyers I got. Launched just after 3.30 and was home by 6.30. Found that the water was running quite hard, and had raised by 40cm, meaning no dragging of the yak was necessary :cheer:


Well looks like there was a solid spawn this year, got into a LOT of small fish


Got onto a solid yella too, first one I've seen in this spot


Cast up against a steep bouldery edge, and as the lure started to slowly sink/suspend, it got absolutely crunched. After getting it 10m from the bank, it turned and burned me back into the sticks. managed to get over the other side of it and free it, and brought in this big girl


Went just over 50cm fl and had absolutely crunched the destroyer



Got a few around the 24-26cm mark too which I tagged, and got crunched twice on surface on the way home then busted, so just headed home.

All in all, was a good day :)

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Yeah mate destroyers work great with a slow jerking retrieve - don't always swim well with a fast roll (being a jerk bait), although I did get a few fish doing that. On the pause they're killer, nice slow sink for the first 60 odd cm then basically sit still in the water.

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Good to see Jords, those little guys are a bit big for 7 month year 1 fish more likely <18 month year 2 fish or escapees. How are you going tagging ? getting the hang of it. Hope you euthenised that Feralbelly ;)
Cheers for that. Tagged like 4 so far all around the mid 20's, haven't been getting out for bass much lately. Nah didn't kill the feral belly, was going to eat him but got him at the start of the session so didn't want it spoiling :side:

cracker bass! did you use 4lb leader to get that fella?
Nah mate used 6lb leader, and it stood the test well even after getting wrapped
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