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Good Mackerel Lures Landbased?


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Hey guys im looking at tryin to catch some mackerel off the rocks with lures, i have hooked up to them on bait before so i know they are around but was just wondering what would be some good lures i could try to up my chances ? ill be using a shimano raider soft plastics 742 snapper spinning rod 5-8kg with a shimano stradic Ci4 4000 and 30lb braid

Any tips would be good thanks :)


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If you go down to BCF or where ever, have a look at the metal lure range. Since you are landbased you'll be able to cast far, and these are proven catching weapons. Anything like the Knight lures (http://www.bcf.com.au/online-store/products/default.aspx?pid=314216#Description) also, the spanyard lures are good, halcos, the list goes on. The bigger they get, then the more expensive. But other wise, I think they are relatively cheap.

Good luck (hope this helped a bit)

Cheers Anthony ;)B)

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