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Wavebreak island social rerport


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Well all the boys turned up with their new beach anchoring rigs and we had a perfect string of boats by the end of friday lined up along the northern beach on Wavebreak island. The usual camp was filled and the fire lit on dark for the nocturnal activities which made a few of us ordinary the next morning.

Saturday rolled around and the early start was met with strong winds and the looming rain as we all gathered for our fishing fleet. The morning was written off and I got rid of my hang over early by starting again but by lunch the rain had eased and the afternoon dried right up so most of us chased whiting off the beach with live yabbies.

I lit the fire early so we could get a good bed of coals for the spit roast dinner that Mickfillet and Fast Eddie were organising. The roast chicken was to die for along with the roast pumkin and potatoes thanks muchly to the said boys above. The fire side banter went all night while even some big kids had roasted marshmellows.

Sunday morning hurt for me but I still managed to get in the boat with Jeremy and Gary and head offshore where the mackerel were chewing . We lost 5 mackerel and boated a striped tuna but i left them biting as Jeremy and I were very sick from the nights drinks.

Had a ball as always just getting the sand between my toes and catching up with everyone is a blast and definately better than sitting on the computer for the weekend

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Despite the atrocious weather and sea conditions,another fantastic weekend was enjoyed by everyone.

Thanks Mark for organizing another terrific social and thanks to Mick and Chicken Eddie for a delicious dinner.

Also a huge thanks to Ted for having me onboard for the weekend,as usual it was a pleasure to fish with you so for this reason I won't tell anyone that you had a massive spew. :P:P:P

Can't wait to see the pictures,lmfao

We don't have much to report on the fishing front except for some cute mack tuna (teds description,not mine,lol) and some nice sized stripies.

We did get snipped off by some mackeral on the sat arvo but none were landed.

Anyway thanks to everyone for making this such an enjoyable weekend despite the weather.

Garry's first ever tuna.


And garry enjoying his first ever tuna :woohoo:


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Well another island social over and oh my god what a shocking weekend, we gave it a good go at the gravel patch on saturday,but no fish,too much grog,too little sleep and shocking conditions. Will just let the photo's do the talking.

Good to meet new faces and great to see old faces.

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Great to meet some of you, pitty it was such average weather. Next time I hope the missus doesn't have the weekend booked out.

I poked down to gravel patch saturday morning but only picked two small grassy's. Called it and decided to troll back since it was so lumpy. About 1k from the seaway the reel screamed and I picked up the spotty. No skill to it, think he was that sick of the weather he just wanted to be over with it. Cooked him up tonight and it was very nice.


Mackerel fit in the esky now too :woohoo:

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crabing up the creeks was HOT :woohoo: a combined total of 12 pots were set. and there was no shortage of crab to munch on. a total of 47 crabs were caught pots were only checked 3 times.

a nice feed from one check of the pots


a bit of fun playing crab roulette by my self. :( no one wanted to play ,bloody chicken eddie :lol:


some members aquired new nick names over the weekend there was chicken eddie,and then there was "hot pants" this bloke thought it was a good idea to dry his jeans near the fire and leave them and go for a fish :lol::lol:

tugger rescued them just in time.


some how i dont think the owners skiny arse will fit back into them .... :whistle:


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I rocked up around 230 friday arvo and setup camp, got the prime centre position as well.

By 430 i was out on the water and chased up two tuna, not huge but fun on the lighter gear.


Next day I woke up early but feeling ordinary and the weather was pretty crap decided to hang around and stay drier.

Mid arvo i went out with Ted Lance and Gary and we chased birds and I busted off on striped tuna on 10lb, drag too tight...

Then Ted had the night before catch up to him... i haven't heard someone vomiting that violently before it was slightly confronting.


A couple baby mack tuna found their way to the esky for bait later.

After dinner saturday we went near the seaway and got smoked and I broke an 8/0 gamakatsu circle hook on a decent sized shark and the other one the wire was bitten through. Those little mack tuna are amazing bait for sharks.

Good weekend though the weather wasn't playing the game the company made up for it in spades.

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i arrived with rob at around 11pm friday night to a very quiet camp. got welcomed by crazy & aussie as we reversed the boat in on anchor. had a quick chin wag around the fire before departing to bed at 1.30 in the morning. woke up at 4.00 and went back to the ramp to pick up anthony. arrived back at camp shortly after and waited for the sun to rise.

we departed the island around 5.00 and headed out threw a very ordanary bar. our original plan was to head out to the 36's-50's to try our hand on some blues first thing in the morn, but that was called of due to the sloppy seas so i decided to head to the 24's we departed 2 raplas and 2 pushers and a slug taking shot gun. we trolled for about 2hrs before i got the poops with getting thrown around in the poor conditions. we headed back to camp and decided it would be good to collect some livie and fish the sea way. a quick call to ash who was coming down around noon, to bring my cast net. ash arrived shortly after noon and we set of to runaway bay marina to get some liveis. we got 7 herring, 10 dony bream and 6 odd whiting. we headed to the end of the north wall and droped the baits down. 3rd drop down for me and boom, i was on, small fish but a donut avoided none the less. up poped a 71cm jewis, quick phot and back in the drink. afew more drops down and i am on again, a tad bit better fight, and up poped a 74cm jew, picks and back to the depths. we did afew more drifts and ran out of livie, just in time i think cause anthony abord was starting to go abit green.

we arrived back at camp to the small of cooking chooks. another short trip to the ramp to get anthonies misses and we were back at camp just in time for the awesome feed the boys had put on.

next morning we rose at about 6.30, cooked bacon and eggs and decide to hit the seaway again. a quick trip to get for lives which was about 30 herring and we found ourselves once agin in the seaway. this time conidions were bad, 1.7 average swell with a 20knt wind chop on it with the odd big set of roller over the 2.2m mark coming threw. first drop down , i am on, a nice big eye hit the surface and afew pics and back in the drink. next thing i hear rob shout i am on, his little shamano bait runner was creaming with pain. on its first run it took 70-100m of line very quick, i put the boat in gear and followed it so rob could gain line. this went on for about 5-10mins, and about 10m directly under the boat, the hook pulled. BEEEEP, not a happy chappy. we did afew more drifts before calling it a day as it was 2 rough.

had a good time, good chin wags and good company, cant wait for the next social.




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was a great weekend until on my way home i witnessed road rage at its worst and watched a car flip across the highway right in front of me... me been the first car behind it!!! you may have seen in on the news!!! scarest thing i have ever witnessed!!! :unsure:

wow that would be scary. I did not quite catch how it happened.

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was a great weekend until on my way home i witnessed road rage at its worst and watched a car flip across the highway right in front of me... me been the first car behind it!!! you may have seen in on the news!!! scarest thing i have ever witnessed!!! :unsure:

Was that a van or something. When we went home we were wondering how a van spun around and pranged into the trees

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was a great weekend until on my way home i witnessed road rage at its worst and watched a car flip across the highway right in front of me... me been the first car behind it!!! you may have seen in on the news!!! scarest thing i have ever witnessed!!! :unsure:

Was that a van or something. When we went home we were wondering how a van spun around and pranged into the trees

it was a green ford explore, and it all started cause they guy in the ford cut the ppl in the luxus off and the the ppl in the luxus chased after him and throw a bottel at this guy, hit him in the head and he lost control and the car flipped about 10 times before stopping on its roof... :( yes it was very scarey indeed. the rest of the day when ever i drove i kept seeing cars flip in front of me!!!!

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