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Allycraft- spitting out fuel when filling


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Hi all, I bought a 5.1m Allycraft before Christmas and I have a problem with fuel gushing out of the filler hole during refulling. If I don't put the fuel in very slowly, it just gushes out everywhere like a volcano covering everything in fuel. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there meant to be an air bleed somewhere so the air doesn't push the fuel out the filler hole?

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Thanks Guys, I thought there must be a vent somewhere, but I wasn't sure. Figured I ask around before I start unscrewing the floor trying to find one. Yes madmullet, putting the fuel in painfully slowly has been my solution until now. I'll have a close look and try to find where it vents and look for a hornets nest first though thanks rayke1938.

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I Had the same problem with my Stacer when I pulled the floor found that the vent was not only kinked but pinched by the floor (rough as Guts some of these boat builders) Another thing to watch is that you dont have any sags or loops where the fuel can sit and cause a blockage that the air can't get past. One other thing that can give you grief, if the bow of the boat is low when hooked to the car or the ground at the servo has fall that puts the bow down. The boat needs to be positioned so that where the filler enters the tank is the highst point while filling the tank, I know a guy that needs to wind the front of his boat up on the jocky wheel while putting fuel in. I dont have to go to that trouble but do need to make sure that the boat is not faceing down hill.

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Thanks everyone for your helpfull tips. I had a good look today, no hornets nests in either of the vents. Following the 2 hoses back to the tank, I found several kinks in the line stopping the air flowing out. I had to unscrew the floor as one was kinked under the floor, re-ran both lines and all should be OK now (hopefully). Haven't refuelled yet, but it can't be any worse.

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